Let's figure it out - is it possible to drink before gastroscopy?
01/17/2018 If a patient complains about the digestive system, the gastroenterologist prescribes various diagnostic methods,
Cystic fibrosis
Fibroma: origin and essence of the disease The causes of dermatofibroma and other forms of tumors of this type are not
For patients: Is it possible to drink water before FGDS?
The day before... Usually, the evening before the study, the last dinner at 18-00 without meat products
Why does bowel cancer occur?
Complete information about types of colon cancer and treatment prognosis
Symptoms Colorectal cancer can be asymptomatic for many years, so it is often diagnosed
A comparative study of the effectiveness and safety of using preparations of colloidal bismuth tripotassium dicitrate in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers
Prohibited during pregnancy Prohibited during breastfeeding Allowed for children Allowed for older people Has restrictions
Routes of transmission of the bacterium helicobacter pylori.
How is Heliobacter pylori transmitted: methods of prevention
Helicobacter pylori infection and its symptoms The bacterium looks like a spiral surrounded by hairs. WITH
Hirschsprung's disease in children: no need to panic
Causes of Hirschsprung's disease Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital disease that develops in utero,
photo 6
"Omez" or "Omeprazole" - which is better? What is the difference between Omez and Omeprazole?
GastrituNet.ru » Medicines » Proton pump inhibitors » Omeprazole Used to treat gastrointestinal diseases
Medicines for diarrhea
How to treat intestinal disorder? To figure out what to take for intestinal upset, you need to know what
What does an inflamed appendix look like?
How to respond to pain in the right side: appendicitis or not
Characteristics and Incidence Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a vermiform appendage that emerges from the cecum.
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