Indications for caesarean section, rehabilitation
Planned caesarean section or emergency caesarean section? How and when is a Caesarean section performed?
Paracetamol tablets
How to bring down the temperature?
Local therapist Serebryakova Oksana Evgenievna Experience 26 years Local therapist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Russian
Increasing prices for diagnostics
There is no turning back. How to get a colonoscopy?
Colon cancer has recently taken third place in the structure of overall mortality.
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum: causes, symptoms, treatment
How are psychosomatics and the stomach connected? Did you know that stomach ulcers
Nasogastric feeding tube, disposable, sterile
Calling a surgeon to your home in Moscow on the day of treatment. Appointments are strictly by appointment,
types of enemas
What types of enemas are there, how to choose the right one?
An enema is one of the simplest and most effective methods of cleansing the intestines. Even in ancient times
What is a nutritional enema and what is it used for?
Medicinal enema, algorithm for setting Medicinal enemas are divided into local enemas (micro-enemas) and general
Doctor preparing to perform an enema
What is an enema and why is it needed?
Home » Articles » Cleansing enema People of all ages are susceptible to problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy with Fortrans
Two-stage preparation scheme We invite you to familiarize yourself with the two-stage preparation scheme for colonoscopy using
Enema before colonoscopy - preparation at home
Proper preparation for a colonoscopy is a guarantee of obtaining a reliable and clear assessment of the condition
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