When can you eat beets for pancreatitis, recommendations and useful recipes

Beetroot for pancreatitis is a tasty and healthy addition to the dinner table. This root vegetable can not only relieve inflammation of the pancreas, but also improve the health of the body; The main thing is to observe moderation and take into account simple recommendations.

Beets can not only relieve inflammation of the pancreas, but also improve the health of the body.

The benefits of beets for inflammation of the pancreas

Those who are faced with pancreatic disease often wonder if it is possible to eat beets for pancreatitis? The vegetable is rich in beneficial microelements for the body, which do not lose their characteristics after heat treatment. Therefore, the root vegetable is used for various diseases, as a therapeutic auxiliary drug.

As you know, people suffering from a disease such as pancreatitis have some disorders that are associated with the digestive system. Some foods can aggravate this process, resulting in exacerbation of pancreatitis and severe pain in the stomach area. To avoid this incident, you need to avoid certain types of foods, including fresh beets. Eating raw vegetables is strictly not recommended. However, many experts have come to the conclusion that if you have pancreatic diseases, you can eat boiled beets.

The uniqueness of this vegetable lies in the fact that after heat treatment it does not lose its vitamins and beneficial elements. Boiled beets for pancreatitis have some beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the course of the disease:

  1. Normalization of blood pressure.
  2. Improving metabolism (prevention of obesity).
  3. Cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.
  4. Mild laxative and diuretic effect.
  5. Improving food digestion.
  6. In combination with additional components, it can heal internal wounds (stomach ulcers).

Why beets are good

As you know, those patients who suffer from pancreatitis have disorders that are associated with the digestive system. There are products that have a detrimental effect on this process, as a result this leads to an exacerbation of the disease and excruciating pain in the stomach. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to exclude certain foods from the diet.

Is it possible to eat beets if you have pancreatitis? Under no circumstances should you eat the vegetable raw. At the same time, most doctors agreed that in case of gland diseases, it is allowed to eat boiled beets.

The benefit of this vegetable in folk medicine is that after boiling and stewing, the beneficial properties of beets are not lost, except for vitamins C, B5, B6.

How beets affect the pancreas

Beetroot has a number of properties that help:

  • restore pancreatic function;
  • normalize the body's metabolic processes;
  • improve metabolism;
  • cleanse the intestines.

For pancreatitis, this product has a laxative and diuretic effect. But, along with the positive, it can also have a negative effect on the body.

The root vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which is bad for the pancreas and intestines. Excessive consumption of vegetables can disrupt the digestive process.

What vitamins are contained in beets?

This much-loved vegetable contains a number of useful elements that a person needs:

  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

As well as a number of vitamins and acids:

  • group B;
  • antioxidants C and E;
  • A;
  • folic acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • oxalic acid.

Beets also contain mineral salts, proteins, carbohydrates, fructose, a small amount of sucrose, and organic acids.

It should be noted that doctors classify the vegetable as a dietary product. It is useful for both adults and children, but you should not abuse it.

The vegetable also contains a lot of iron. In terms of iron content, beets rank second among all plant products after garlic.

When your stomach hurts, beet dishes for gastritis have a positive effect on the formation of the disease, which is due to the individual beneficial properties of beets.

  1. Metabolism improves.
  2. The intestines are cleansed of toxins and waste.
  3. Blood pressure is normalized.
  4. Digestion of food improves.
  5. Hemoglobin increases.
  6. Cleansing and stretching of blood vessels and capillary walls is carried out.
  7. Eliminates excess water from the body.
  8. Has a mild laxative and diuretic effect.
  9. Contains B vitamins and minerals that are needed to normalize blood pressure.
  10. Contains betaine, which lowers blood pressure.
  11. Corrects fat metabolism.

And also boiled beets for pancreatitis, together with additional components, are aimed at providing a healing effect on wounds inside the body (stomach ulcers).

Beets are considered one of the most valuable vegetables for a person suffering from pancreatitis. It contains many essential substances and vitamins for the pancreas.

The root vegetable is necessary to maintain the health of a person suffering from this disease.

Useful properties of the vegetable and its effect on the human body

It is a source of betanin (improves hematopoiesis), curcumin (has an analgesic effect), fiber (normalizes metabolic processes).

In addition, the composition contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, micro- and macroelements such as calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, copper, iron, sodium.

Beets are useful in any form, but for diseases of the digestive system, gastroenterologists recommend consuming them boiled or baked.

What are the benefits of beets:

  • it burns fat, suppresses appetite, activates metabolic processes, promotes;
  • improves hematopoiesis, accelerates general lymph flow, prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • relieves pain and has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • useful for women during the menstrual period, as it helps to cope with the symptoms of anemia: weakness, dizziness, increased irritability, apathy;
  • strengthens and supports the human immune system;
  • cleanses the body: removes toxins and salt deposits;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamin A, B, C, micro- and macronutrients;
  • promotes the healing of ulcerative defects;
  • has diuretic properties: retains fluid in the renal tubules and increases the volume of urine;
  • stimulates the physiological act of intestinal peristalsis (laxative effect);
  • facilitates the absorption of nutrients, helps digestion, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To achieve a positive effect, the vegetable must be consumed systematically. In addition, regular use of root vegetables in the diet improves the general condition of people with thyroid problems, chronic constipation, and atherosclerosis.

Beetroot is also useful during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, as it contains folic acid in large doses.

Is it possible to eat fresh beets with pancreatitis?

Fresh beets are contraindicated for pancreatitis.

Why? — The diet for pancreatitis is diet No. 5p (its first or second options). The main goal of the diet is to prevent relapses of the disease. The diet is based on the principles of nutrition for patients with pancreatitis. Unchopped, unheated beets mechanically irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing increased secretory activity of the digestive organs. As a result, the principle of mechanical sparing is violated and the mandatory condition of ensuring maximum rest for the diseased organ is violated.

But you can object to me and say that fresh squeezed juices do not contain fiber; beets crushed using a blender will not injure the gastrointestinal tract. The answer in this case is that freshly prepared beet juice has a pronounced biochemical effect on the walls of the esophagus and stomach. As a result, active secretion of gastric juice (hydrochloric acid) occurs and the secretory activity of the pancreas increases. That is, again there is a violation of the basic principle of the diet for pancreatitis - ensuring maximum rest for the diseased pancreas.

Fresh beets are not allowed in the diet for pancreatitis in any form: whole, crushed using a blender, meat grinder or grater, beet juice is not allowed.

Which form is best to eat?

With the development of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, it is important to take into account not only the form of the disease, but also the type of treatment of the root crop when taken. Since therapeutic nutrition is based on the property of relieving the main symptoms

Let's consider how eating beets affects the patient's body, depending on the type of preparation.


Doctors do not recommend including raw vegetables in the diet of patients with a gentle diet.
In order not to cause an increase in the secretion of digestive enzymes, not to provoke a relapse of the disease. It is this effect that raw beets have on the body, disturbing the peace of the pancreas. However, in some cases, under the supervision of a doctor, in the stage of stable remission of the disease, patients are allowed to drink beet juice.

The drink does not contain a large amount of coarse fiber , but has a biochemical effect on the digestive tract, increasing secretory functions.

In order not to provoke a load on the pancreas, you should follow certain rules when taking beetroot juice.

Freshly squeezed juice is needed:

  1. leave open in a dark, cool place for at least three hours;
  2. dilute with water or other juices (carrot, potato-carrot);
  3. introduce into the patient’s diet gradually, starting with small doses;
  4. take no more than once a week.

To summarize, we can conclude: with the exception of rare cases, eating raw vegetables is strictly contraindicated for patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis.


When heat treated (boiling, stewing, baking or steaming), beets change their properties. According to nutritionists, heat-treated root vegetables become safe for patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis. The exception is stewed beets. This type of treatment is contraindicated in acute and chronic illness.

If vegetables are baked in the oven, steamed, or boiled, they change properties, becoming softer with a delicate texture, do not irritate the mucous membranes and do not increase the secretion of enzymes.

Boiled beets have the following medicinal effects on the body, accelerating the healing process:

  • strengthens the vascular system;
  • has an anti-sclerotic and calming effect;
  • eliminates fluid stagnation;
  • normalizes the functional characteristics of the pancreas;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol;
  • delays the proliferation of pathogenic microbes in the intestinal flora;
  • regulates metabolic processes.

Before consuming boiled beets, people suffering from pancreatitis or cholecystitis should consult a specialist.

The vegetable contains a large amount of oxalic acid, and can negatively affect health if you are personally intolerant to the product.
How to properly eat heat-treated vegetables:

  1. cooked until softened;
  2. in a crushed or mashed (puree) state;
  3. with the addition of vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream;
  4. without hot spices and seasonings;
  5. in small portions - up to 100 g per day.

How to use beets for pancreatitis

If a patient is diagnosed with an acute form of pancreatitis, diet treatment is prescribed, which involves fasting. After several days, the patient is gradually introduced to low-calorie food. During this period, even boiled beets can complicate the process of digesting food; for this reason, consuming beets during an exacerbation of pancreatitis in any form is undesirable.

As soon as pancreatitis goes into remission, beets are gradually introduced into the diet exclusively in boiled form. During the first week, you can take the vegetable in minimal quantities, gradually increasing the portion. In order for the vegetable to bring maximum benefits to the body, you should follow some nuances of its preparation:

Before heat treatment, it is necessary to rinse the vegetable thoroughly under warm water without removing the skin. Then place in a saucepan with cold water, cover with a lid and cook for at least two hours.

If the vegetable is too large, you can cut it in half or into several equal parts.

When cooking beets, do not add various acids, such as lemon juice or vinegar. Many people use this method to preserve the color of the root vegetable. This manipulation can cause exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Heat treatment can be carried out by baking in the oven. This way the beets become juicier and at the same time soft. Please note that the vegetable can be baked without removing the skin.

In order not to irritate the gastric mucosa, you can grind the vegetable on a fine grater or using a blender before eating, which will result in a homogeneous consistency.

Recipes for the most healthy dishes with this product

Beets are consumed as an independent product or used as part of various dishes. It is boiled, steamed, baked. The finished product is crushed using a blender, grater, and ground through a sieve - the main thing is that the output is a mushy consistency.

Let's consider the most popular dishes with it, which are allowed during the period of stable remission.

Boiled beet salad

To prepare the dish you will need 1-2 medium-sized vegetables. Place the clean beet in a saucepan with cold water and cook until tender. If these are large fruits, then first cut them into equal pieces so that the beets cook faster. The average cooking time is 1.5-2 hours.

Check readiness with a fork. Next, peel the cooled vegetable and chop it on a grater, season with vegetable oil, and mix. To improve the taste, you can add a little boiled carrot or peeled apple, also finely chopped.

Boiled beets for pancreatitis

The beets are prepared as in the previous recipe. It is better to grind the cooled vegetable using a blender or meat grinder, since even finely chopped beets create additional stress on the digestive system and increase the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

If desired, you can season with olive oil, low-fat sour cream, sprinkle with low-fat grated cheese or egg white.

Advice. If the root vegetable is prepared for a patient with pancreatitis, it is forbidden to add vinegar, citric acid, sour kvass or lemon juice to the water where the beets are cooked. These products help maintain the intense color of the vegetable, but can cause a new attack of the disease.

Beets baked in oil

For the recipe, we take medium-sized root vegetables of regular shape and rich dark color. Before starting to prepare the dish, turn on the oven at 180-200 degrees so that it has time to warm up well.

At this time, prepare the vegetable:

  1. We remove dirt under running water, cut off the tops and roots.
  2. Without peeling, cut into two halves.
  3. Cover a baking dish (it is better to choose one with sides) with foil, place the beets on top, cut side down, so that the half with the peel is at the top. Drizzle generously with olive oil.
  4. Cover the top with foil and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Cooking time varies depending on the variety and size of the root vegetable. As soon as the vegetable becomes soft, remove from the oven.

Use the finished beets as a side dish and prepare a salad with it, and if you add a little honey, you will get a healthy and tasty dessert.

Advice. At the same time as beets, you can bake other vegetables in the same way: carrots, potatoes.


For pancreatitis, beetroot soup is prepared in water or light meat broth, but the meat itself is not consumed.

Based on a three-liter pan you will need:

  • 2-3 medium-sized beets;
  • 4 ripe medium-sized tomatoes (if small, then 5-6);
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greens: parsley, dill;
  • in its own juice (optional).

If you want to get a more nutritious and tasty beetroot soup, cook it with recycled meat broth. It's better if it's chicken breast or thigh. Wash the chicken, add water, place on low heat, bring to a boil, and drain.

We wash the meat again under running water, pour purified water into the pan, adding two or three fingers, cook over low heat, periodically removing the resulting foam.

For reference. To add flavor to the dish, after boiling, add a peeled onion, cut crosswise. It is better not to use salt and spices for taste.

While the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Grate the peeled carrots and cut the onion into small cubes. In a hot frying pan in 1 tsp. vegetable oil over medium heat, fry the onion until transparent, add the carrots, and sauté for another 2-3 minutes.

Cut the beet of your choice into thin strips, grind it on a grater or use a blender. When the broth is cooked, add all the vegetables at the same time and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, remove the whole onion from the soup and sprinkle with herbs. Season the serving with 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream.

There is a simplified beetroot recipe that is no less tasty. Pour finely chopped potatoes and onions, grated beets and carrots into boiling water, cook until tender for 30-40 minutes. Season with herbs. If desired, add 1 tbsp to the serving. l. sour cream with a low fat content.

Cooking beets

To preserve the benefits of the root vegetable and facilitate digestion in the stomach, it is necessary to adhere to some nuances of preparation.

Before boiling the product, wash it well. The root vegetable is cooked under the lid for at least 2 hours.

Cook the beets with the peel intact; if the root vegetable is large, you can cut it.

It is prohibited to add acetic and citric acid or kvass to the water when cooking the product. Although many people use this method to preserve the color, in the case of pancreatitis, boiled beets with such manipulation will cause an attack.

Before eating, boiled beets are grated or crushed in a blender to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa. You can also bake it in the oven, so it will become juicier and softer.

Eating beets for acute pancreatitis

If the disease occurs in an acute stage, diet therapy is prescribed, which involves complete abstinence from food. After 20 days, the patient requires complete replenishment of lost vitamins and microelements. To do this, low-calorie foods (vegetables) are gradually introduced to the patient with pancreatitis.

It is forbidden to eat fatty foods, as they are difficult to digest by the stomach and intestines. In addition to biologically active elements, the root vegetable contains fiber, which is difficult to digest.

When the body is completely healthy, consumed plant foods are beneficial. Beetroot promotes the flexural contraction of the colon muscles. The stomach works in a natural mode and digests consumed foods well. Although in the acute form of the disease, fresh and boiled root vegetables can cause a deterioration in well-being.

So, when consuming beets during acute pancreatitis, even a boiled vegetable can cause complications in the digestion of food products, therefore during an exacerbation of the disease, you cannot eat the product in any prepared form.

If the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, the vegetable will complicate the condition and become a factor in subsequent inflammation of the pancreas.

Beetroot and chronic pancreatitis

For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis of the gastric glands, a diet is prescribed, which is designed to be gradually introduced into the diet after the attacks of the pathology have been eliminated.

Following the rules for processing the product, for patients with chronic disease it is introduced into the diet in small quantities. Initially, it is permissible to use 1 tbsp. l. and over the course of several days the portion is increased to 100 grams.

Is it possible to have boiled beets for pancreatitis? In chronic forms of pancreatic disease, it is recommended to eat boiled product. After cooking, beets have a positive effect on the stomach.

But refrain from using vinaigrette if you have pancreatitis. Diced beets in a salad during digestion will load the gland and cause an aggravation. The effect of the product on the body of a patient with the chronic stage of pancreatitis, when taken in an available amount, is favorable.

Can I use it?

If you have diseases of the pancreas, you can and should eat beets. However, this does not mean that you should load up on this vegetable every day. Despite the high content of nutrients, the vegetable can also have a negative effect in case of pancreatitis if consumed in large quantities.

During exacerbation

During exacerbation of pancreatitis, doctors do not recommend eating beets. The fact is that this vegetable contains a large amount of coarse fiber, which only increases the load on the organ. You can eat the root vegetable only after the attack has ended, starting with a small portion. At first, it is enough to eat only 1 tbsp. l. boiled beets per day, gradually increasing the amount to 100 g per day.

At first, it is enough to eat only 1 tbsp. l. boiled beets per day, gradually increasing the amount to 100 g per day.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, beet salads are useful. But it’s just important to prepare the vegetable in such a way as not to destroy the fiber and retain maximum nutrients. Doctors advise baking root vegetables in the oven or steaming them, and cutting or grating them just before adding them to the salad.

You cannot season beet salad with vinegar or citric acid, as this will have a bad effect on the condition of the pancreas. You can add a few drops of refined olive or sunflower oil.

For pancreatitis, you can also drink beetroot juice, but you should introduce it into the diet gradually and carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

You cannot season beet salad with vinegar or citric acid, as this will have a bad effect on the condition of the pancreas.

In the acute stage

In case of acute pancreatitis, eating beets is strictly not recommended, as this can only increase the pain. You must first fast for several days to relieve the organ, and after consulting with a doctor, gradually introduce this root vegetable into your diet.

Beetroot for exacerbation of pancreatitis

Beets are useful for exacerbation of pancreatitis, since they have high nutritional value with minimal stress on the stomach and pancreas. This is achieved due to the high content of polysaccharides. In this case, polysaccharides predominate, which are easily absorbed and processed by the body: monosaccharides, disaccharides. It is better to use dark-colored beet varieties, as they contain the most juicy pulp filled with active ingredients.

It is the coloring properties that provide the healing properties of beets and determine its importance in dietary nutrition. It is necessary to choose healthy, clean root vegetables, without mechanical damage.

Beet juice for pancreatitis

Fresh beet juice does not contain coarse fiber, but in the acute stage of pancreatitis its use is prohibited. This is due to the effect of additional production of gastric juice, which in turn loads the pancreas.

And juice from fresh vegetables is not recommended for pancreatitis for the following reasons:

  • high sugar content;
  • possible diarrhea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • high acid content.

You can drink beet juice during stable remission, but you should follow some recommendations:

  1. You can drink the drink freshly squeezed, no more than one hour after preparation.
  2. For inflammation of the pancreas, beet juice is gradually introduced into the patient’s diet; it can be diluted with other vegetable juice (cabbage, carrot, potato).
  3. Drinking juice is possible no more than twice a week.
  4. If an adverse reaction occurs, such as nausea or vomiting, the drink should be discontinued.
  5. The juice is very beneficial for digestion as a strong laxative. This property of the product is due to the popularity of drinking it with various diets.

If you drink a beet drink for pancreatitis, it will help cleanse the body, eliminate the symptoms of the disease thanks to its laxative effect, removing toxic substances from the liver and blood vessels, as well as those that contribute to the development of malignant tumors.

When the body is cleansed, blood flow increases and pressure decreases. When drinking the drink, blood penetration into the brain increases, memory and concentration improve. And beetroot drink quickly restores lost strength after a long drinking regimen during a hunger strike or after an illness.

The juice must be drunk 20 minutes before meals.

Freshly squeezed juice has a specific taste and not everyone will like it. When taken properly, the remedy should not be drunk naked. For pancreatitis, to prepare beet juice, combine with squeezed juices from various vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumber.

The ingredient is selected based on taste desires. Mixed beetroot drink is endowed with greater benefits and acquires a pleasant taste.

During the period of stable remission of pancreatitis, when consuming juice, follow the recommendations.

Those who are faced with pancreatic disease often wonder if it is possible to eat beets for pancreatitis? The vegetable is rich in beneficial microelements for the body, which do not lose their characteristics after heat treatment. Therefore, the root vegetable is used for various diseases, as a therapeutic auxiliary drug.

With one-time consumption of a large volume of beet juice, blood pressure can sharply decrease, which will lead to the development of dizziness, nausea, headache, and even loss of consciousness.

In case of persistent remission of pancreatitis, you can drink this drink, following several rules:

  • You should prepare the juice yourself from high-quality red beets, preferably grown in your own garden;
  • Before drinking, place freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours: this way the biologically active substances will reduce their damaging effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • start drinking this drink, adding it to pumpkin or carrot juice, you can dilute it a little with water;
  • the first portion of juice should not exceed 1 spoon, and gradually, if well tolerated, the daily volume is increased to 50 ml;
  • The drink can be drunk no more than 2 times a week.

Consuming raw beets and beet juice

In case of pancreatitis, it is undesirable to consume raw beets or juice, and during the period of exacerbation of the disease it is completely excluded. Organic acids, contained in large quantities in freshly squeezed juice, irritate the walls of the stomach, increasing the level of acidity, and contribute to the active production of pancreatic secretion, aggravating the disease. If exacerbation of pancreatitis is not observed, it is recommended to drink the juice no earlier than 3 hours after preparation, diluting it half with carrot juice or water.

Beet juice actively cleanses the body, removes toxins, helps with anemia and in the fight against excess weight.


To avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is better not to take risks and consume this healthy vegetable in boiled form, especially since this is how useful active substances and vitamins are most fully absorbed by the human body. It is impossible to cure pancreatitis with diets, but it is quite possible to achieve an auxiliary positive effect.

Beetroot recipes

Let's look at several beet-based recipes that you can eat during remission of pancreatic inflammation:

Place the root vegetable in a saucepan with cold water and cook until tender (at least 2 hours). Then cool the vegetables to room temperature and remove the skins in a thin layer. Next, use a fine grater to chop the beets, add a small amount of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly, after which the dish is ready to eat.

Grind the vegetable on a fine grater without pre-cleaning. You can place finely chopped potatoes, shredded cabbage and carrots in boiling water. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan at the same time, add a small amount of salt and cook for at least 40 minutes. Before eating the soup, decorate the dish with dill.

Bake the beets in their peels in the oven (180 - 200 degrees) until cooked. Then cool the beets to room temperature and grate them on a fine grater. Add grated egg white and a little low-fat cheese. The salad must be seasoned with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Boiled vegetable salad

The product is boiled in the peel for 2 hours. After cooking, it is peeled and grated. The salad can be seasoned using olive oil.

Salad with beets baked in the oven, with the addition of boiled eggs, cheese, and low-fat sour cream for dressing. Initially, the vegetable needs to be baked in foil. Cooking time 2 hours at 180 degrees. Then grate 200 grams of cheese, 2 eggs and baked root vegetables. Mix all ingredients and season with sour cream.

Root vegetable soup

After chopping the product on a grater, place it in a pan of boiling water with chopped vegetables - potatoes, carrots and cabbage. Then add salt and cook for at least 40 minutes.

Beets baked in oil

To prepare this dish, choose 3-4 small-sized vegetables. Steps to prepare beets baked in oil:

  1. Wash each beet, cut off the roots and the part that turns into leaves.
  2. There is no need to peel vegetables.
  3. Cut them in half and place them on a baking sheet covered with foil, with the unpeeled part facing up.
  4. Grease each slice with vegetable (preferably olive) oil and cover with foil on top.
  5. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180–200 degrees and bake the dish for about 40 minutes. Check the readiness of the beets by piercing the vegetable with a fork.

You can add other baking vegetables to the beets: carrots, cauliflower, zucchini. Baked beets are peeled, cut into small pieces or grated and used as a side dish for lean meat, poultry, fish, and also eaten as an independent dish for lunch and dinner.

Vegetarian beetroot soup

Vegetable soup is a very healthy and tasty dish. To prepare it you will need 3 medium-sized beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes - 2 pieces each. The recipe for vegetarian beet soup is quite simple:

  1. Wash and peel all vegetables.
  2. Cut the beets and carrots into small strips or grate them on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Place the beets in a saucepan with 3 liters of water and place on low heat.
  4. Saute chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil for several minutes. Place the resulting stew mixture into the pan where the beets are cooked.
  5. Beetroot soup is cooked over low heat until the vegetables are completely softened.
  6. At the end of cooking, add a little salt and finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley) to the contents of the pan, close the lid, after two minutes turn off the stove and infuse the soup for a few more minutes.
  7. This dish is often served for lunch. You can add a spoonful of low-fat sour cream to it.

According to some recipes, it is recommended to add canned beans to beetroot soup, but this is not recommended for pancreatitis. Beans themselves are not included in the list of permitted products for acute and chronic diseases of the pancreas, and for their preservation many harmful substances are used that negatively affect all organs of the digestive system: flavorings, preservatives, taste enhancers.

Beets stewed in sour cream or sauce

Peel the beets, boil and cut into strips, cubes or carb. Heat with fat, add sauteed onions, sour cream or sour cream sauce, simmer for about 15 minutes. Before use, season with oil and sprinkle with herbs.

Beetroot cutlets

Peel the beets boiled in their skins, cut into strips, add broth, margarine and puree. Add semolina (1-2 tablespoons per 100-150 grams of beets). Close the lid and simmer until half cooked. With constant stirring, bring to readiness, cool until warm, add a raw egg, season with sugar and salt to taste. Form cutlets.

You can add grated cottage cheese to the cutlets. Instead of semolina, you can use passivated wheat flour. Bread the formed cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides. Serve with sour cream.

Radish and beet salad

Cut the radish and beets into long thin strips, add salt and leave for 30-40 minutes. Drain off any juice that may escape from the salted vegetables. Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings, melt the butter and fry until golden brown, let cool. Season the radishes and beets with a mixture of fried onions and butter, add lemon juice and sesame seeds.

Stewed radish and beet salad

Wash the radishes and beets. Boil the beets in salted water until tender. Wash the radish, peel it, cut into slices. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, add chopped radish, salt it and season with soy sauce. Cover with a lid and simmer until completely softened.

Peel the boiled beets and cut into thin slices. Finely chop the green onions, remove the seeds from the red pepper and cut into thin strips.

Mix stewed radish with boiled beets, chopped lek, pepper, cool slightly and place in a salad bowl.

Beet tops for pancreatitis

Beet tops have beneficial properties. Normalizes intestinal activity, stabilizes the production of pancreatic juice, and relieves inflammation. Used for decoration and in salads.

Beet salad with tops

Wash the beets and boil until tender. Cool, peel, cut into thin slices. Wash the potatoes, boil them in their jackets, cool, peel and cut into slices. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, fry until golden brown in a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Cut the beet tops into small pieces, mix with the beets, potatoes and chilled onions. Season with salt and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and place in a salad bowl.

Sources: https://otgastrita.ru/podzheludochnaya/svekla-pri-pankreatite.html opodjeludochnoy.ru/pravilnoe_pitanie/svekla-pri-pankreatite gastrit.club/podzheludochnaya-zheleza/pankreatit/svekla-pri-pankreatite-mozhno-ili- net https://ilive.com.ua/food/svekla-pri-pankreatite_128916i16122.html https://pankreatit03.ru/svekla.html https://vseozhivote.ru/pishhevarenie/podzheludochnaya-zheleza/svekla-pri-pankreatite -mozhno-li.html https://pancr.ru/dieticheskoe-pitanie/svekla-pri-pankreatite.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/20/2020

Recipes for pancreatitis

Red beets baked in oil are very useful.
You should select three small root vegetables, wash them thoroughly, cut off the tops and roots (all the nitrates are concentrated there). Without removing the peel, the root vegetables are cut into two parts and coated with olive oil. Foil is placed in the mold, and the beets are placed cut side down on it . Cover the top of the vegetables with foil and place in the oven for 50 minutes. Check readiness by piercing the beets with a fork. It should easily enter the beet pulp.

Finely grated baked beets are an excellent dietary option for patients with pancreatitis.

When drawing up a personal menu, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. This will help avoid exacerbation of the disease. You should select dietary products for your diet, eat in small quantities and do not abuse junk food.

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Published: 08/04/2017

Practicing gastroenterologist. I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of most acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. I know how to provide first aid.

Beets should be used with caution for pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Despite the fact that the root vegetable itself and the juice squeezed from it are famous for their many beneficial properties, in case of inflammation of the pancreas and bladder, restrictions are imposed on its introduction into the diet

Familiar dishes with beets (borscht, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, beet salad, etc.) are not always allowed for those who suffer from pancreatic disease. What about boiled beets and freshly squeezed juice from them?

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