Test for gastritis/stomach ulcer “ImmunoChrom-antiNR-Express” 1 pc/pack (MED00040)

Digestive problems can be caused by infections, benign and malignant tumors, ischemic diseases of the veins and arteries. When the intestinal mucosa becomes infected and irritated, gastritis, duodenitis, and duodenal and gastric ulcers develop.

Diseases are diagnosed in a chronic form, so the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment

to relieve acute attacks and prolong remission.

No one is immune from digestive disorders. Health problems arise from dietary errors, for example, consumption of stale foods and more. The main provoking factor is viral and bacterial agents that affect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Harmful microorganisms multiply rapidly and provoke an acute inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, digestion is disrupted, the patient is bothered by paroxysmal stomach pains and other symptoms.

The first signs of gastritis

How to understand that you may have gastritis? If a person has gastritis, he feels discomfort:

  • in the epigastric region - in the upper part of the abdominal wall (especially discomfort is observed after a person eats food, or vice versa on an empty stomach);
  • in the form of stool disorder, nausea and/or vomiting;
  • for example, “sour” belching or painful heartburn;
  • feeling quickly full of food and a feeling of a full stomach, although you have eaten too little for this to happen.

Also, the first signs of this gastrointestinal disease may be a sharp decrease in appetite, a white tongue or bloating

Important! Identifying one of the listed symptoms is not at all a reason to run to a gastroenterologist and think that gastritis has attacked you. This could be a common gastrointestinal disorder or another ailment. But if you notice a combination of 2 or more of the conditions mentioned above, and these symptoms do not go away after a few days while following a diet, then you should immediately consult a doctor. He will either confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, or refute it.

Types of gastritis

Gastritis is usually divided into acute and chronic. In acute cases, there is an immediate reaction of the body to the stimulus. To put it simply: it occurs when you eat or drink something harmful. For example, “aggressive” chips or Cola, medicine (in particular antibiotics), alcoholic drinks, etc. As a rule, some problems are already observed in the stomach and, when exposed to a harmful catalyst, it reacts to it.

Acute gastritis is characterized by quickly occurring severe pain (about half an hour or less after eating) and lasts about 1-2 hours.

Chronic gastritis is characterized by symptoms similar to the previous type. But pain, belching, little appetite and a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach become the patient’s companion. The tissues of the stomach walls change under the influence of prolonged inflammation, which subsequently (without proper treatment) can lead to their atrophy, and even precancerous conditions.

Chronic gastritis almost never occurs on its own. This is a “degenerated” acute form that you did not treat on time or did it incorrectly. As a result, gastritis affects the body of the stomach and the antrum.

How to eat with ulcers and gastritis?


If at least once a day, one to two hours after eating, you feel a burning sensation or piercing pain in the stomach , then most likely you have an ulcer or gastritis . Any pain in the digestive tract that persists for more than three weeks requires mandatory examination.

But decisive steps taken at home can help resolve these problems before a visit to the doctor . The remedies used for gastritis of the stomach and for incipient ulcers are practically the same. stomach pain .

Ulcerative or gastritis manifestations can usually be counteracted by 6 small meals a day; products must be neutral. Eat boiled cereal, soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, croutons, pureed soups, light egg custards, muffins or biscuits. You can also eat ice cream, but slowly, waiting for it to melt in your mouth .

Milk absorbs acid. When treating ulcers , substances that neutralize the secreted stomach acids are needed. The best way is to drink milk. Half a glass of whole or semi-skimmed milk per hour, excluding meal times, is enough to cope with this problem.

Due to the restriction of solid foods and the consumption of large amounts of milk, as well as strengthening medications, many people suffering from gastritis feel that their intestines are simply clogged.

Diet during rehabilitation

When digestive problems stop, after a week you can switch to three meals a day. Of course, you will have to do without seasonings and alcohol. Hot foods should be cooled slightly before eating, and cold foods should be warmed in the mouth before eating. You should choose well-cooked or grilled meat; in general, try to avoid fried foods. Try to cook vegetables longer so that they are soft, and chew them carefully. Over the next months or years, continue to drink milk between meals and in the evening.

How to avoid relapse of peptic ulcer?

If you are predisposed to gastritis or ulcers , then it is necessary to take effective preventive measures.

If you are going through a difficult period, full of emotional stress or turbulent events, then you can prevent a relapse of the disease. For two to three days, you need to return to a regimen of 6 meals a day with hourly consumption of milk or acid-lowering agents.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it when it occurs again. Organize your life in such a way as to avoid relapse of the disease. You can prevent the recurrence of even the most severe ulcers by maintaining a good mood.

Published in Gastrointestinal Diseases Premium Clinic

Is gastritis dangerous?

Doctors and scientific discoveries are the basis and the magic wand, thanks to which gastritis today can be 100% curable, if we talk about acute gastritis, and put it into stable remission - in case of chronic gastritis. But at the same time, gastritis is treated with supportive care and a diet that the patient constantly adheres to.

What if gastritis is not treated? The form becomes more severe and advanced, the area of ​​damage to the stomach becomes larger. As a result, the organ becomes defenseless. Those. Damage to stomach tissue is the first danger of gastritis. Further:

  • Peptic ulcer disease. Yes, it is treatable (especially if you trust specialists - for example, doctors at the ACMD-MEDOX clinic), but it is more difficult than in the first stage. And there is no talk of a 100% result that a person will be cured.
  • Perforation of the stomach - a through effect occurs in its walls or duodenum, which threatens the leakage of contents. Where? Into the abdominal cavity. Perforation requires surgery.

Ulcers and other diseases that the patient ignores for a long time can lead to cancer. As we mentioned above, malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract occupy a leading position in the total volume of cancer.

Helicobacter pylori: what is this bacterium and can it cause gastritis?

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that infects the duodenum and various areas of the stomach. Once in the stomach (paths of infection can be either the banal sharing of common cutlery or, for example, transmission through a kiss), it begins to secrete special substances. Those, in turn, increase the percentage of gastric juice, which negatively affects the gastric mucosa. Being in the body for some time, helicobacter pylori first causes inflammatory processes, then damages the stomach tissue and small ulcers appear on the walls.

Medical statistics say that about 85-95% of cases of gastritis attacks are precisely the result of active activity in the patient’s body by this same helicobacter. In order to get rid of the bacteria and not start the disease, you need to undergo complex treatment - antibiotics alone will not do.


All possible causes of infectious and inflammatory processes of the digestive tract:

  • very hot/cold food;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • nutritional errors (diet, dry food);
  • intoxication of the body with chemicals;
  • late-night snacks, eating on the run;
  • long-term medication use;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Another reason is the activity of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in the digestive tract, which corrodes the mucous membrane, causing acute inflammation and intoxication.

What bad habits can cause gastritis?

The most common cause of gastritis is the habit of eating poorly and chewing food poorly. Poor nutrition should be understood as: drinking coffee and sweets on an empty stomach, non-compliance with the diet, abuse of smoked, fatty and spicy foods. Surely you have noticed that if you chew your food poorly and quickly “push it down” (seemingly full), then this is self-deception. Then, of course, there will be a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, pain, etc.

Diagnosis of gastritis: how to identify the disease?

A doctor can diagnose gastritis only after a study called fibrogastroscopy. Before the procedure, the patient is required to observe a fasting regime for 10-12 hours, so that, based on the results of the materials taken, the doctor determines the presence or absence of helicobacter bacteria, the extent of the inflammatory process, the presence or absence of erosions and ulcers. To clarify the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist has the right to prescribe other tests: x-ray of the stomach, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, laboratory tests. In the chronic form of the disease, a biopsy is performed during fibrogastroscopy.

Be healthy. At the first symptoms of gastritis, contact the specialists of the ACMD-MEDOX clinic!

Treatment regimen

It is important to follow the daily dosages prescribed below, not to interrupt the combination treatment and to carry out prophylaxis

at the first improvements.

Name of dietary supplements Recommendations for use Course of therapy
Hepatosol, granules 1 teaspoon three times a day 4 weeks
Toxidont-may or

Burdock seeds

0.5 teaspoon three times a day

3 capsules three times a day

4-6 weeks, 2-3 courses/year
Florenta dissolve 5-10 times, 1-2 tbsp. spoons three times/day 4 weeks
Shirline Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 glass of water, take 70 ml in the morning three times a day 2 weeks
Plantain extract 1 teaspoon three times a day 4-6 weeks, 2 courses/year
Achillane granules 1 teaspoon three times a day 4-6 weeks, 2 courses/year

Combination therapy is based on dietary supplements Achillan, Hepatosol, Toxidont-may. The drug Shirline is not recommended for use in case of cholelithiasis and in the stage of relapse of gastrointestinal diseases.

How many drugs are needed per course?

It is advisable to prepare in advance for combined treatment

, buy the recommended list of dietary supplements for
gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers
in the following quantities:

  • Hepatosol (90 g) – 2 packs;
  • Florenta (200 ml) – 2 bottles;
  • Toxidont-may (75 ml) – 2 bottles;
  • Plantain extract (75 ml) – 4-6 bottles;
  • Achillian (90 g) for gastritis 2 packs, for ulcers - 3 packs;
  • Shirline (30 g) – 1 pack;
  • Burdock seeds (190 caps.) – 1 pack.

The treatment is effective and safe. Dosages are adjusted depending on the diagnosis, characteristics of the body and the course (stage) of the pathological process. In general, the clinical outcome with a timely response to the problem is favorable.

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