What is duodenal intubation?

Due to the frantic pace of modern life, a person does not notice much around him, including not enough time for his own health. Gastroenterologists claim that the number of patients who turned to them for help, already during the period when the disease became chronic, has increased markedly.

In most cases, a blind probing procedure is prescribed. Only with its help can you relieve inflammation and remove accumulated bile.

Blind probing of the gallbladder at home

For blind probing of the gallbladder in medicine, a special term is used - tubage. Thanks to this event, a person has the opportunity to cleanse the ducts of the digestive system, bile ducts, liver and kidneys. This has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism.

Tubage can be performed both in a medical facility and at home. However, to do this you need to choose the right cleaning products. Only then the procedure will benefit and not harm the body.

Probing at home can only be carried out if there are no contraindications. This procedure is available to everyone whose body is already sufficiently mature. Tubage is not recommended for children. For adults, this will be a good way to cleanse themselves of toxins, improve organ function and lose excess weight.

Why is blind probing needed?

The method is used both for medicinal and preventive purposes. This procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  • with stagnant processes in the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract;
  • Tubage will also be useful for those who often overload their liver;
  • the blind type probing method will be a good way to stimulate bile flow, and this allows you to remove toxins and get rid of everything harmful that accumulates in the body.

Often special preparations are used to get rid of waste and toxins. However, most of them bring temporary effects. To cleanse the body, it is better to do a blind cleanse. However, before using tubage, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist.

The purpose of tubage is to completely cleanse the gallbladder. The bile ducts open, and all stagnant processes disappear. This allows you to gradually get rid of all impurities and toxins. Blind probing is also a preventive measure. It helps prevent the formation of stones in the bile ducts, so this procedure is useful for those who are at risk.

But it must be taken into account that if any elements are detected in the bile ducts or bladder, the tubage method cannot be used.

Symptoms of the disease

The causative agent of opisthorchiasis is considered to be worms belonging to the group of nematodes. They live in the bile ducts. For a long time they do not show themselves in anything. When there are a lot of them in the bile ducts, a person begins to show signs of the disease. The body reacts to toxins released by worms by developing immunological reactions.

You should seek medical help if the following symptoms appear:

    nausea turning into vomiting; pain in the right hypochondrium; rash on the skin of the face and mucous membranes; heaviness in the upper abdomen on the right; bloating; digestive disorders; temperature increase; body aches; constipation; weight loss; convulsions; lymph nodes and spleen enlarge; increased fatigue; bitter taste in the mouth.

Severe allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's edema) may develop.

Indications for blind probing

Blind probing of the gallbladder and liver

Gallstone disease brings a lot of inconvenience to a person and causes the development of other diseases. Therefore, many try to prevent the formation of stones. But this is not always possible, since poor nutrition, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle can quickly take their toll.

Tubage can be prescribed for chronic diseases of the bile duct and liver, obesity, frequent constipation and atherosclerosis.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it has contraindications. Even a small stone can be a contraindication to cleansing.

Tubage is recommended in the following cases:

  • dysyknesia of the bile ducts;
  • cholecystitis in acalculous form;
  • after removal of the gallbladder;
  • with frequent constipation.

This procedure will be especially useful for people who are obese and who often overeat and abuse alcohol.

Find out in the video about the first symptoms of gallbladder problems that should not be ignored:

How to behave after blind probing

Blind probing of the gallbladder makes sense only in cases where a person clearly understands that poor nutrition and lifestyle can negatively affect an individual’s health. Many patients, having felt significant relief, begin to break their diet, stop doing therapeutic exercises, and become passive. In such cases, the disease returns quite quickly and even more dire complications are possible.

After the duodenal intubation procedure, you must continue to follow certain rules:

  • Active lifestyle. Exercising in the morning, walking in the park and to work, or up the stairs will not reduce the tone of the gallbladder.
  • Strict adherence to the diet. Food should contain as much fiber as possible.
  • Scheduled meals. Before sitting down at the table, the patient must have an appetite. If it’s not there, you can skip the feast and don’t fill your belly. But, if you feel noticeably hungry, you should not delay lunch.
  • Prevention of disease. It is necessary to independently try to increase the outflow of bile masses. The blind tubing procedure can be performed no more than 2 times a month. They can be replaced with fasting days.

If the patient feels unwell and in pain, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to self-medicate or carry out probing without the recommendations of the attending physician. Only he can tell whether the patient has any contraindications.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the safety of tubage, it is not recommended for everyone.

There are also absolute contraindications for blind probing. The main one is stones in the biliary system. Even if there is a small number of them, tubing is prohibited, since some products can lead to blockage of the bile ducts, and this can lead to very serious complications. Urgent hospitalization and even surgical intervention will be required. It is possible that the specialist will have to remove the entire gallbladder.

That is why, before deciding to undergo tubing, you should undergo a thorough examination by a specialist. An ultrasound examination is often sufficient to detect the presence of stones.

Peptic ulcer disease, both of the stomach and duodenum, is also considered a contraindication. With increased bile rejection, increased irritation of these organs is noted. If the mucous membrane is damaged, this can cause complications of peptic ulcer disease. This is a very dangerous situation.

There are also special recommendations that relate to blind probing. Women should not undergo tubing within 7 days before their expected menstrual period. This can cause increased menstrual bleeding and severe PMS pain. Tubage is not recommended during pregnancy.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Tubage is contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis. This is the most stringent limitation for blind probing. The risk of stone advancement and duct blockage is high. The result of such cleansing will be an urgent operation - cholecystectomy.

The procedure is not recommended for people with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Probing causes the greatest damage in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The irritating effect of bile can turn small erosions into large ulcers, causing perforation of the walls of hollow organs and the development of peritonitis.

Contraindications include conditions of acute intoxication and diseases accompanied by fever. Tubage should not be performed in case of acute disorders of the kidneys and heart, or severe forms of hypertension. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the procedure.

A doctor can confirm the absence of contraindications for tubing. Before the procedure, you should consult with a therapist and hepatologist.

Preparation for the procedure

Blind cleaning is a serious therapeutic and prophylactic event, so you should carefully prepare for it.

If the procedure is planned to be carried out at home, preparations should begin at least 3 days before the expected date of the tubage:

  1. At this time, the diet should contain vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
  2. You should consume more fiber, which will already be the beginning of cleansing procedures. Thus, the stomach will be cleared even before probing begins. This will reduce the load on the body during probing.
  3. A week before the start of the treatment and prophylactic procedure, you can further cleanse the gallbladder using decoctions and drinks from beneficial plants. A decoction of rose hips and mineral water have proven themselves to be excellent as a choleretic agent. Some herbal remedies in the form of tinctures also help.
  4. The main stage of preparation will be a visit to the doctor's office. Without prior consultation with a specialist, you should not decide on blind probing of the biliary tract. This can lead to serious complications that affect the health of the entire body.

Preparatory activities

Liver cleansing courses should be carried out up to 4 times a year. It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for cleansing. The first step is to visit a medical hospital. To make sure there are no gallstones, you should undergo an ultrasound of the liver. You need to take a biochemical blood test: the level of aminotransferases and bilirubin should be normal. Exceeding the indicators indicates destructive processes in the liver. The patient will need to consult a hepatologist.

The second stage of preparation begins at home 3 days before the tubing procedure. A person switches to light plant foods - vegetable salads, stews, casseroles, cereal porridges, seasonal fruits, freshly squeezed juices. On the eve of blind probing, you should have dinner at 18-00. A salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil is ideal. Later you can only drink water.

How to perform the procedure at home?

Tubage is an easy-to-perform treatment and prophylactic method. If you choose the right remedy for cleaning the gallbladder and conduct a preliminary examination, the procedure will only bring a positive effect.

Choice of substance

Mineral water is the most common substance for tubing at home

Various components are used for blind probing. Among them there are more and less common ones. Most often, in their recommendations, experts opt for special mineral water, magnesia and herbal decoctions with a choleretic effect. Chicken egg yolks, xylitol, sunflower oil, etc. can be used for blind cleaning.

Each method has its own recommendations. For example, magnesium is used only in the morning. Use 1 tablespoon of medicinal liquid per glass of water. After using this remedy, you need to lie on your left side and apply a heating pad to the area of ​​your right hypochondrium.

Using mineral water requires a longer cleaning process. First you need to drink 200 ml of water and lie down with a heating pad. Next, the patient does gymnastics for 15 minutes. After this, you need to drink another 200 ml of salty mineral water.

Honey is an excellent remedy for many diseases. It can also be used for blind probing of the bile ducts. To begin with, the patient should eat a tablespoon of honey and wash it down with half a glass of warm water. Then you need to lie down for about 10 minutes. After this, you need to drink another glass of boiling water.

Timing for the procedure

Most of the medications used for tubage should be taken in the morning, since cleansing works best on an empty stomach. Considering that blind probing takes quite a lot of time, it is better to choose a day off for this procedure.

As for the duration of the course, most often it is enough once a week, but in the most advanced situations, 2 sessions of blind probing may be necessary.

The procedure itself

The sequence of actions depends on the chosen tool. After taking the drug, you need 10-20 minutes of rest, then exercise and a second portion of the drug.

The procedure diagram must be followed exactly, otherwise even a harmless gallbladder tubing can lead to negative consequences.

Watch the video about tubage:

Blind probing with magnesium will help eliminate bile stagnation


1 Blind probing with magnesium will help eliminate bile stagnation

2 Liver cleansing at home: blind probing

3 Conducting blind liver probing at home 3.1 Materials used in the article:

Human health directly depends on the condition of his internal organs. Modern ecology and food negatively affect the liver and gall bladder, which are filters for the whole body. In this regard, various methods of organ cleansing are becoming increasingly relevant today.

Blind probing with magnesium is considered one of the simple and effective ways to remove bile and toxins. It also prevents the formation of stones and restores the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

Magnesia for blind probing has the form of colorless crystals that quickly dissolve in water, giving it a bitter-salty taste. The chemical has a multifaceted effect on the human body.

Firstly, it has a laxative effect, and also causes choleretic and antispasmodic effects, so blind probing of the gallbladder with magnesium has a positive effect on the health of the entire body.

Secondly, consuming magnesium sulfate affects the human nervous system.

Of course, there are contraindications for blind probing with magnesium. These include exacerbations of various chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as the presence of gallstones, fever and some heart diseases.

Blind probing with magnesium is best done in the morning, the main thing is that the procedure is done on an empty stomach. The solution is prepared quite simply. A tablespoon of 25-33% of the drug is diluted in a glass of warm or mineral water without gas and left to infuse overnight. After taking the mixture, you should lie on your left side and place a heating pad on the liver area. You need to remain in this position for two hours. After the allotted time has passed, you can get up, do a few bends and squats, and then eat a light vegetarian breakfast.

Blind probing with 33% magnesium can be carried out at home, but initially it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe an individual dose, taking into account the patient’s health condition. Magnesia for blind probing is sold in regular pharmacies.

Blind probing is a flushing of the biliary system to improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder and prevent bile stagnation. Therapeutic lavage promotes the outflow of bile and normalization of secretory functions. The blind probing method is widely used in medical practice. Therapeutic lavage has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. Blind probing is also known as tubage. Blind probing at home differs from the procedure performed in a hospital. Liver tubing is a gentle cleansing method, since it is based on the peculiarities of the evacuation function of the body.

The purpose of the procedure is to reduce the load on the liver and start the flow of bile from the gallbladder and ducts. Tubage must be done carefully so as not to harm the body. In medical practice, tubeless tubing began to be used as an additional remedy in the complex therapy of duodenitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis with constipation. Regular therapeutic lavage normalizes not only the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, but also improves intestinal function.

Blind probing can be done with mineral water, sorbitol, magnesium and herbal decoction. To perform the procedure correctly and achieve maximum effects, you must follow all stages of cleaning. Probing of the gallbladder and liver can be done with the help of choleretic drugs to dilate the ducts and normalize the excretion of bile. Correct blind tubing is done according to certain rules.

There are two types of blind sensing: active and passive. Active probing of the gallbladder is combined with physical exercise. Passive tubing should be done at night so that the bile comes out naturally in the morning.

Probing of the gallbladder is accompanied by indigestion, which begins due to the excessive secretion of bile. The duration of diarrhea depends on the blockage of the bile ducts.

Blind probing requires preliminary preparation. A few days before cleansing, you must follow a diet and eat plant-based, easily digestible foods. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water and natural juices. This is necessary so that during cleansing a fecal plug does not form, which will prevent bile from leaving the body.

A couple of days before cleansing, it is recommended to go on a diet and drink plenty of water.

There are two types of tubage. The first option is aimed at cleansing the liver. To do this, you need to prepare a cleaning solution with magnesium or sorbent. Then you need to take a horizontal position and apply a heating pad to the liver area. You need to leave it for a couple of hours so that it warms up the liver. At the beginning of the procedure, you need to drink the remedy, and throughout the tubage you need to drink warm herbal decoctions. The procedure should be done in the evening, but it is important that the stomach is empty, so you need to eat 8 hours before cleansing. You can eat for the first time only in the morning. After cleansing, you may experience discomfort in the stomach, which can be caused by the release of bile.

The second method of tubage is used to clean the gallbladder. Blind probing helps remove stones and normalize bile excretion. To cleanse the gallbladder, you need to drink warm herbal infusions all day and start early in the morning. In the evening, you need to take a horizontal position and apply a heating pad to the area under the ribs. You need to keep the heating pad for several hours. During the cleansing you should not consume any food or drink.

After cleansing, there is a desire to defecate, which can last for several hours. The next morning, the urge to defecate is also observed, which indicates the effectiveness of cleaning.

The procedure must be done no more than twice a month. To cleanse the liver and gallbladder, you can do an enema first. Tubage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, but if you do not prepare the body in advance, then cleansing can be accompanied by painful sensations and a strong urge to defecate.

How to carry out tubage - liver cleansing with mineral water?

How to carry out tubage - liver cleansing with mineral water?
Tubage is a procedure for cleaning internal organs from toxins and harmful substances through the use of sorbitol or mineral water.

The procedure is prescribed by doctors on an individual basis; sometimes prophylaxis with this method is required in order to protect the body from a sharp deterioration of the condition if there is a serious illness. Before you start performing liver tubing with mineral water, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the indications, contraindications, and possible side effects. The procedure is performed strictly according to medical indications; self-medication is not recommended.

Liver tubing with mineral water - how it works

In medicine, two methods of procedure are used - probe and blind tubage. The method consists of stimulating the secretion of bile from the gallbladder. In medical practice, both methods are equally effective.

The probe method involves not only cleansing, but also carrying out a kind of diagnostics of the body’s condition. This option of tubing is prescribed only for health reasons, because the tube method is difficult for both the patient and the medical staff.

The essence of the method is the introduction of a chemical irritant mechanically into the duodenum, causing the gallbladder to contract. Tubage is carried out by inserting a probe - a 1.5-meter flexible tube that passes through the mouth.

During the study, bile begins to flow - first from the duodenum, then from the gallbladder and liver. All three types of bile are separated into different test tubes for testing. The manipulation is not carried out at home, only in a hospital setting under close medical supervision.

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to use the blind tubage technique. For the first time, the manual was proposed according to Demyanov, therefore the blind method is a synonymous name - “according to Demyanov”. Typically, the procedure is prescribed for chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver, including:

  • hepatitis of non-viral origin;
  • form of cholecystitis without the presence of stones;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

To cleanse the liver and gallbladder, heated choleretic agents are used, intended specifically for the procedure. Usually magnesium sulfate (magnesia solution), sorbitol or mineral water is prescribed.



(lat. duodenum duodenum; probing) - insertion of a probe into the duodenum for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

The method was proposed in 1917-1919. Meltzer, Lyon and Einhorn (SJ Meltzer, V.V.V.Lyon, M.Einhorn).

Schematic representation of duodenal intubation: 1 - probe; 2 - esophagus; 3 - stomach; 4 - pancreas; 5 — probe olive; 6 - large duodenal papilla; 7 - duodenum; I - common bile duct (portion A enters); II - gallbladder (portion B arrives); III - hepatic ducts (portion C enters).

Duodenal intubation is performed to obtain the contents of the duodenum (see), bile (see) and pancreatic juice (see Pancreas) for research in diseases of the stomach, duodenum, biliary tract and pancreas (Fig.). Duodenal intubation for therapeutic purposes is carried out to remove the contents of the duodenum, for example, with hypomotor dyskinesias and sluggish inflammation of the gallbladder, cholestatic hepatitis. Duodenal intubation is also used for washing the duodenal cavity and administering medications, for transduodenal nutrition of patients in the treatment of peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.


: severe diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cardiovascular and pulmonary failure of various etiologies, liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, severe exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, exacerbations of peptic ulcers.

Duodenal sounding is carried out using a conventional duodenal probe - an elastic rubber tube with an outer diameter. 4.5-5 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm, length 1400-1500 mm. Available in one piece or in parts; in the latter case, the rubber parts are connected by a glass tube with fused edges. There are three marks on the probe: 40-45 cm (distance from the incisors to the cardiac part of the stomach), 70 cm (distance to the pylorus) and 80 cm (distance to the large duodenal papilla of the duodenum - Vater). A metal olive with slots is attached to the end of the probe.

Among the models of duodenal probes, the two-channel spiral Skuy probe, the two-channel Lagerlöf probe and the Kreknin probe, which is similar in design, are known, which allow separately collecting gastric and duodenal contents. There are a three-channel Bartelheimer-Müller-Wieland probe and special-purpose probes, for example, duodenal ph probes and endoradioprobes (see Probing of the stomach).

D. z. It is carried out on an empty stomach and does not require special preparation. With chromatic D. z. on the eve of the study, 0.15 g of methylene blue is given orally in a gelatin capsule, which colors the gallbladder bile blue.

The patient is asked to swallow a duodenal tube in a sitting position. Once the probe reaches the stomach (after it has advanced to 45 cm), the patient is placed on his left side and the gastric contents are pumped out for several minutes. Then he is turned on his right side and gradually over a period of approx. 15 minutes. advance the probe to approximately 75 cm. For newborns, the catheter is inserted approximately 25 cm, for children 6 months - approximately 30 cm, 1 year - 35 cm, 2-6 years - 40-50 cm, 6-14 years - 45 -55 cm. By the appearance of a transparent yellow liquid of an alkaline reaction from the probe, it is judged that the probe has reached the lower part of the vertical section of the duodenum. This often requires x-ray control. You can also carry out a test with air, the essence of the cut is the appearance of a peculiar sound, vaguely reminiscent of a burp when air is introduced through a tube into the stomach; the introduction of air into the duodenum occurs silently. The introduced air from the stomach is easily sucked out, while sucking it out from the duodenum is a certain difficulty. In some cases, the probe does not pass into the duodenum for a long time due to pylorospasm (see), which is eliminated by introducing a warm soda solution through the probe, and if there is no effect, by injecting atropine. Sometimes (for example, when swallowing hastily) the tube becomes twisted in the stomach. In such cases, it is recommended to remove it to the 70 cm mark, and then slowly swallow it again with the patient positioned on the right side.

With D. z. receive three servings of duodenal contents. The first portion is portion A, or duodenal (choledochoduodenal) bile, golden yellow in color, alkaline. It consists of approximately equal amounts of bile and pancreatic juice with an admixture of secretions from the duodenal mucosa, a small amount of jejunal juice and saliva. When gastric juice enters the first portion, it becomes cloudy.

After receiving portion A, one of the irritants necessary to contract the gallbladder is administered through a probe (20-40 ml of 33% or 40-50 ml of 25% warm solution of magnesium sulfate, 30-40 ml of 40% glucose solution, 40- 50 ml of 40% xylitol solution, 30-50 ml of 30-40% sorbitol solution or a stronger choleretic agent - cholecystokinin, pituitrin).

After 5-25 minutes. after the introduction of the stimulus, dark brown bile comes out of the probe - the second portion is portion B, or bladder bile. The usual method of D. z. It is not always possible to differentiate this portion from others, because with cholecystitis, the concentration function of the gallbladder is disrupted, and bilirubin, under the influence of the colloidal properties of bile disturbed during inflammation, can precipitate. Chromatic D. z., in which the gallbladder bile turns blue, turns out to be preferable.

Next, lighter liver bile begins to flow - the third portion, or portion C. Portions of bile are collected in separate test tubes, the stand with which is placed 15-25 cm below the test subject.

Fractional (multi-stage) sounding according to Lopez, Fuentes, Prado (1950) is carried out with fractional extraction of bile:

1st phase - common bile duct. After the probe enters the duodenum for 14-16 minutes. light yellow liquid enters - the contents of the common bile duct.

Phase 2 is the period of closure of the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla (Oddi). After administration of magnesium sulfate solution, the secretion of bile usually stops for 2-6 minutes. If there is a prolonged pause (more than 10-15 minutes), 10 ml of 0.5-1% novocaine solution is administered through the probe. If after this bile immediately appears, it can be assumed that a long-term cessation of bile flow is due to contraction of the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla. The duration of the phase is 3-5 minutes.

3rd phase - bile A - secretion of light yellow bile in the period from the moment of opening of the sphincter of the hepatic-pancreatic ampulla after the administration of a choleretic agent and until the contraction of the gallbladder. Normally, the phase lasts 3-6 minutes.

4th phase - bile B (vesical bile) is recorded from the moment dark brown bile appears, the edges are secreted within 20-30 minutes.

5th phase - bile C (liver bile). After the end of the flow of dark cystic bile, pale yellow bile from the hepatic ducts begins to flow again.

Physical assessment properties of bile (see) in combination with carefully carried out probing, the study of the dynamics of the appearance and expiration of portions of bile is an important indicator of the functional state of the biliary system. With a pronounced and timely “vesicle” reflex, they speak of the preservation of the concentration and motor functions of the gallbladder. Accelerated or delayed intake of portion B to a certain extent indicates his dyskinesia (see Gallbladder). The release of a large amount of dark bile indicates congestion in the bladder. With fractional D. z. dyskinesia of the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla can also be detected. With repeated probing results of the same type, the diagnosis of dyskinesia of the bladder and sphincters is very likely. It is more difficult to interpret the absence of a “bubble” reflex. Identification of the so-called a disconnected gallbladder during simultaneous X-ray contrast studies gives reason to suspect an organic obstruction in the area of ​​the cystic duct or bladder neck - a stone, scar changes, inflammatory infiltrate, or, less commonly, a sharp violation of the concentration function of the gallbladder. The absence of a “bubble” reflex is often observed in severe liver diseases. Chromatic fractional D. z. makes it possible to identify certain biochemical changes in the gallbladder bile and promptly carry out preventive treatment - systematic drainage of the gallbladder, anti-inflammatory therapy, etc.

Changes in the colloidal stability of bile and the presence of parasitic invasion of the biliary tract can be determined by microscopic examination. Micro copy the bile centrifugate (without admixture of gastric contents). Normal bile contains almost no cellular elements. The detection of a significant amount of cholesterol crystals and calcium bilirubinate is indirect evidence of cholelithiasis. Of diagnostic significance is the detection of parasites in the duodenal contents - Giardia, fluke, hookworm, etc. As for elements indicating an inflammatory process (leukocytes, epithelial cells, red blood cells), their assessment is not always reliable. Occasionally, malignant tumor cells are found.

Chemical examination of duodenal contents - determination of bilirubin (see), bile acids (see), cholesterol (see), etc. gives an idea of ​​the concentration function of the gallbladder and the colloidal stability of bile; has limited wedge significance. An important role is played by studies of enzymes - amylase (see), trypsin (see) and lipase (see).

Complex methods of chromatographic analysis for the determination of bile salts (cholates) provide some diagnostic information (see Chromatography): a decrease in the cholate-cholesterol coefficient indicates the presence of inflammatory phenomena in the gallbladder; changes in the lipid complex are often detected in gallstone disease.

Normally, duodenal contents are sterile. Bacteriological examination in patol processes often reveals cocci, Escherichia coli and other bacteria. The flora is of a mixed nature. Detection of microflora in duodenal contents does not have much diagnostic value.

Duodenal intubation for therapeutic purposes (duodenal lavage) continues for 1 - 2 hours. after receiving the “bubble” reflex. Technique for inserting a probe for this type of D. z. has no features. The course of treatment usually means 5-10 soundings with an interval of 3-4 days. Probing can be repeated for a long time, performing it 1 - 2 times a month. Antibiotics are administered through a duodenal tube in case of infection of the biliary tract and antiparasitic agents in the presence of parasites. When transduodenal feeding the patient, the probe is constantly in the duodenum for several days; various liquid nutrients or mixtures are introduced through it.

In patients with “stagnant gallbladder”, along with a probe, the so-called. blind duodenal intubation - blind tubes (see).


Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, ed. Ts. G. Masevich and P. N. Napalkova, L., 1976;

Loginov A. S., Lidenbraten E. P. and Galkin V. S. Diagnosis, clinic, treatment of chronic cholecystitis, M., 1972; Guide to Clinical Laboratory Research, ed. E. N. Kost and L. I. Smirnova, M., 1964; Skuya N. N. Gastroduodenal (duodenal) intubation, Indications, technique and evaluation of results, Laboratory, case, No. 11, p. 643, 1975.

A. I. Khazanov.

Tubage procedure with mineral water - indications and contraindications

The liver is an organ that performs a vital function in the body. It cleanses the blood of toxins and helps remove harmful substances from the body. If an organ suffers due to various diseases and cannot perform its direct functions normally, it is necessary to carry out cleaning. If the hepatobiliary system functions normally, bile stagnation and other unfavorable symptoms do not occur.

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder with mineral water is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • jaundice of the whites of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes;
  • gray or pale complexion;
  • the presence of cephalgia accompanied by headache;
  • with frequent and severe bloating;
  • with a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • as well as with frequent malaise, accompanied by a gray coating on the tongue.

Tubing the gallbladder with mineral water is prescribed in the presence of the following diagnoses:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • hepatitis, which is accompanied by severe bile stagnation;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

The use of gallbladder tubing with mineral water, sorbitol or magnesium is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of acute diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for chronic diseases of internal organs.

Also, cleaning is not carried out during menstruation, illness or acute respiratory viral infections, or during treatment with antibiotics.

Why do you need tubage?

The liver passes through itself about 1.5 liters of blood every minute. The organ utilizes toxins and free radicals that enter the body along with air, food, and drink, which appear inside during natural metabolic processes. The liver becomes clogged if a person:

  • works in hazardous conditions;
  • lives in an unsatisfactory environmental situation;
  • consumes alcohol or hepatotoxic drugs;
  • eats incorrectly.

The organ loses its ability to effectively cleanse the blood of toxins. The bile-forming function of the gland also suffers. Result of negative changes:

  • development of inflammatory processes in the liver parenchyma, gall bladder;
  • stagnation in the ducts;
  • formation of stones.

Complications can put a person under the surgeon’s knife, who will solve the problem at once by removing the gallbladder.

Prevent chronic stagnation of bile and accumulation of toxins by adhering to a balanced diet. It should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein products. If a person eats harmful foods or has bad habits, it is worth resorting to an emergency cleansing measure - a gall tube.

Traditional medicine practitioners consider the procedure useful for everyone, since in modern living conditions there are too many unfavorable factors.

Representatives of traditional medicine prescribe tubage for cholecystitis, stagnant processes in the gallbladder (accompanied by the accumulation of bile flakes), and for lipid metabolism disorders. Indications for tubage include biliary dyskinesia and a person's tendency to constipation. Activation of bile synthesis is needed against the background of reduced gastric acidity and weak gastrointestinal motility. The secretion of the liver activates the work of the entire digestive tract.

How to prepare for liver tubing with mineral water at home

To carry out tubage at home, you must adhere to preparatory measures to ensure that the liver cleansing is successful:

  • At least a few days before the start of dubazh, you need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, with the exception of fried, confectionery, fatty, spicy and flour products.
  • Before doing tubage, you should give a cleansing enema before the procedure.
  • It is recommended to cleanse the liver and gall bladder in the morning on a day off, since you will have to lie at home for several hours.


At the preliminary stage, the technology for performing duodental sounding includes preparatory measures. For several days, foods that stimulate intestinal fermentation (brown bread, milk, legumes, potatoes and carbonated water) are excluded from the diet. Additionally, drugs that relieve spasms (Bral, No-Spa and their analogues), enzyme agents (denol, panzinorm), drugs to improve the excretion of bile, vasodilation and laxative effects are prohibited. After this, atropite is used within 24 hours or the drug is administered as an injection. Taking 30 g of xylitol in liquid form has a similar effect. The procedure is carried out in the morning before meals. The probe is equipped with marks indicating its insertion into the stomach, gallbladder and duodenum. Additionally, it is also necessary to mark the distance between the back surface of the teeth and the laryngeal wall to the navel, which is measured in a standing position.

How to do blind probing at home

The dubage procedure takes place in several stages. The instructions include the additional use of choleretic agents that dilate the bile ducts. If carried out correctly, bile stasis will be released completely, which will have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being.

If you use sorbitol as the main active ingredient, it is used in two versions:

  • passive method - should be done before bedtime, during the procedure the bile ducts are naturally cleansed in the morning;
  • the active version must be done during the day, and it is combined with physical activity.

What does the natural release of bile look like: stool in adults becomes yellow-green in color, and defecation itself is accompanied by diarrhea. Bile acids cause severe softening of the stool. Sometimes mucus or clots appear in the stool. The instructions indicate that the stronger and longer the diarrhea lasts, the more pronounced the bile stagnation.

You can choose other options for performing a tubage to remove toxins. How to work directly with sorbitol:

  1. Sorbitol is the best choice for liver cleansing. It is a sweet alcohol that is created by the hydrogenation of sugar. The component is often found in food additives and is designated as E420. It is commonly used in the manufacture of ascorbic acid. Its action is reminiscent of magnesia, since sorbitol has a pronounced carrying effect.
  2. It is correct to carry out such a massage before bedtime. On the day of the procedure, an enema is given. For breakfast and lunch, food should be as simple as possible. It’s better not to eat further, all you can do is apple juice without sugar or any light and not sweet liquid.

Liver tubing with sorbitol and mineral water

What ingredients do you need to purchase to treat the liver:

  • any of these proven mineral waters - Essentuki, Borjomi or Narzan;
  • sorbitol;
  • any choleretic drug (it is better to buy on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • heating pad with hot liquid inside.

How the action itself is carried out:

  1. The bottle is opened at night. This must be done so that all the gas comes out overnight. The liquid is strictly at room temperature. Cold liquid is contraindicated for use, otherwise spasms of the gallbladder will be provoked, and the tube will be uncomfortable.
  2. Before going to bed, drink a glass of heated mineral water, in which a tablespoon of sorbitol is dissolved.
  3. In the morning you need to drink another glass of mineral water.
  4. Next, you need to lie on your right side and press a warm heating pad in the liver area.
  5. After about an hour, the urge to defecate begins. You need to empty your bowels and drink another glass of mineral water.
  6. The total amount of mineral water drunk during the entire procedure is no more than half a liter.

Within 2-3 days from the date of tubage, you must follow a strict diet. You need to drink a lot of fluids, you can eat plant foods, which has a positive effect on your health. The instructions indicate that it is necessary to follow fractional meals, eating in small portions 5-6 times a day. Overeating is prohibited; you must get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Vitamin complexes, green tea and herbal infusions are used as treatment aids.

The procedure itself can be carried out no more than once every 4 weeks. To enhance the effect, you can perform exercises. After drinking mineral water, do bends, squats, push-ups for 10 minutes, and then you can lie down on a heating pad.

Tubazh with mineral water

You will need a heating pad with warm water and heated mineral water without gas Borjomi, Essentuki number 4, Mirgorodskaya. It is enough to heat 400 ml of mineral water to 40 degrees.

The liver cleansing algorithm includes:

  • lie on your right side and bend your legs under you;
  • then you need to drink 200 ml of mineral water, lie down for half an hour and drink another 200 ml;
  • put a heating pad under the right hypochondrium and lie there for 90-120 minutes.

When the urge arises, perform an act of defecation.

Rules for effective tubing

The tubage is designed to relax the smooth muscle muscles of the bladder, clear the cystic and hepatic ducts of bile accumulations, and promote its excretion during bowel movements. To ensure effective cleaning, auxiliary methods are used:

  • special choleretic solution;
  • a heating pad with warm water;
  • complete physical and nutritional rest.

Despite the increased activity of the gall at night (from 23-00), tubing is carried out in the morning immediately after waking up. At this time, the intestines are activated and all toxins released from the liver will be eliminated from the body.

After waking up, a person should drink the solution prepared in the evening. As a choleretic agent you can use:

  • mineral water;
  • sorbitol solution;
  • egg yolks;
  • a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • honey drink

The drink should be warm (40-45 °C). Drink it in small sips, in 1-2 approaches.

Next, the person lies down in bed on his right side. Place a warm heating pad on the liver area. It is important not to freeze during tubing. You can put on socks and cover yourself with a blanket. You should lie in this position for 1-2 hours. It is forbidden to stand up and roll over. There may be nagging and aching pain in the right hypochondrium. If they are easily tolerated and do not get worse over time, this is a variant of the norm.

The choleretic solution starts the process of releasing bile into the small intestine. Heat relaxes the muscles of the bladder and bile ducts. It is necessary to lie on your side so that the bile comes out better (along with possible clots and flakes).

You should get out of bed slowly and gradually, carefully monitoring how you feel. You can do a few light exercises to tone your abdominal muscles. Afterwards, you are allowed to have breakfast with vegetables and do your usual activities. After some time, the urge to empty your bowels will arise. They cannot be suppressed. The effectiveness of cleansing is indicated by soft or liquid plentiful stools, greenish or marshy in color. This indicates the presence of a large amount of bile in the feces and high-quality cleansing of the liver.

How to make liver tubage with magnesium

Dubazh with Epsom salts requires careful preliminary preparation of the body. A week before the procedure, the patient refuses any junk food and adheres to the principles of a healthy diet. Increased physical activity has a positive effect on gallbladder motility.

To prevent the taste of magnesia from causing vomiting, it is better to prepare any citrus fruit nearby in advance. The solution is prepared simply - 40 grams of magnesia are dissolved in a glass of boiled water. The algorithm of action is the same as when cleaning with mineral water.

How to do a liver tubage for an adult with hot water and sorbitol

You can also do this cleaning option at home. You should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. It is important to follow a diet on the eve of liver cleansing. The day before you start taking the cleaning mixture, you need to eat fruits all day - apples, bananas, you need to drink natural juices. If you have a tendency towards high acidity, you need to replace fruits with vegetable dishes or pureed vegetable soups.
  2. 4 hours before the start of the liver cleanse, it is forbidden to eat any food. Also, you should not eat during the cleansing process.
  3. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a hot bath before starting the procedure. The influence of strong external heat improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. As a result, the absorption of sorbitol increases, so the choleretic effect is enhanced.
  4. The recipe for preparing a cleaning mixture is to mix a tablespoon of sorbitol in a glass of warm water. You need to drink the mixture gradually and in small sips.
  5. The following is the standard procedure for placing a heating pad under the right side.
  6. When the liquid in the heating pad cools down, it needs to be replaced with a new one. You can't get up. For convenience, it is recommended that someone close to you be nearby.

The effect of emptying occurs after 1.5-2 hours. Sorbitol can be replaced with xylitol. A repeat procedure is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

Cleansing the liver at home according to Demyanov’s recommendations is a simple and at the same time effective method that improves bile outflow and helps remove stagnation of bile acids. To become more familiar with the principles of therapeutic effects, it is recommended to carefully study other articles on our resource devoted to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


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