Milk for gastritis: composition and beneficial properties, selection criteria, rules of use, precautions

Gastritis is the inflammatory process of the epigastrium. There are many reasons for the development of the disease. Unhealthy food, bad habits, excessive emotional experiences and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are common. As a rule, during catarrh a pathology of gastric secretion occurs, which is why the level of stomach acidity can increase or decrease.

Symptoms of gastritis include acute pain in the abdominal area, attacks of nausea, belching or heartburn. Signs of inflammation appear on an empty stomach or after eating. It is believed that proper diet is of great importance during illness. The discomfort associated with the disease can be eliminated with the help of medications, but only a healthy diet can normalize the functioning of the stomach.

The work of the human stomach

General information about milk

The product contains more than 100 nutrients, including fats, proteins, phospholipids, organic acids, enzymes, minerals and milk sugar. Stimulates digestion, maintains acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract.


The chemical composition of milk is not constant and varies depending on the breed, age, living conditions of the animal producing it, as well as the method of milking.
On average, it contains about 3.3% proteins rich in amino acids, from 3 to 6% fat, consisting of lipoids, glycerides and free acids. Milk fat is balls of various sizes in a lecithin-protein shell, which have a lower density compared to other components of the product and tend to float to the top, forming cream.

The product includes lactose, which is involved in the formation of important coenzymes, mineral macro- and microelements.

Beneficial features

Drinking milk is beneficial for many reasons.
It has a composition rich in useful substances, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has enveloping properties;
  • supplies the body with the most important vitamins: riboflavin, calcium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamins A, D, B1, B12.

Milk contains many vitamins, so it strengthens the immune system.

Drinking warm milk at night normalizes sleep, and the low-fat product promotes effective fat burning.

Diet therapy as a method of treatment

Before treatment with a diet, you should consult a nutritionist to prescribe proper nutrition. There are known diets that are equally suitable for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; selected cases are also identified.

If there are no significant changes in the level of gastric juice due to inflammation of the stomach, a universal diet is prescribed. The patient should not eat spicy, salty or fried foods, and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Meals occur in small portions: at least 5 times a day in small portions. If the level of gastric juice has changed, the patient is not recommended to eat foods that can affect acidity. Based on these rules, suitable and non-recommended foods are selected.

Possibility of use for gastritis

With gastritis, patients are prescribed a strict diet with the exclusion of many foods from the diet. But in most cases, dairy products are included in dietary nutrition due to their ability to coat the walls of the stomach and have a softening effect on the organ.

With increased stomach acidity

Gastritis with high acidity is accompanied by intense synthesis of hydrochloric acid, resulting in inflammation of the mucous membrane. Thanks to its special composition, milk envelops the walls of the stomach with a thin film and provides a barrier to the acidic environment, relieves inflammation, pain, protects against pathogenic bacteria, and normalizes the digestive process.

At low

With weak production of gastric juice, the digestion process slows down. Dairy products help replenish acid deficiency. But with this pathology, you should not consume whole cow’s milk; it is better to give preference to products prepared on its basis: fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cottage cheese, mild cheese with low fat content, yogurt.

If the production of gastric juice is reduced, you need to eat milk products.

During exacerbation

Acute gastritis is characterized by a sudden onset and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, and dizziness. When palpated in the epigastric region, pain is possible. This condition occurs as a result of damage to the stomach lining. For the first 2 days, it is advisable to follow a fasting diet; then, subject to stabilization of the condition, it is allowed to drink tea with the addition of milk and milk porridges.

In chronic form of the disease

In the case of chronic gastritis, it is important to take into account the level of acidity when drawing up a dietary menu.
If the acid level is elevated, you can diversify the diet with cream and non-acidic cottage cheese. In case of pathology accompanied by low acidity, you can consume all dairy products. Regular intake of 1 tbsp. milk with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. honey for 3 weeks helps normalize acidity, heal erosions and ulcers of the gastric mucosa.

Is condensed milk allowed during gastrointestinal illness?

Many sweet tooth lovers are concerned about whether it is permissible to eat condensed milk if they have gastritis, because treatment requires a special diet. It is a rare patient who is able to endure therapy without his favorite sweet.

Nutritionists say that consuming condensed milk for inflammation of the stomach is allowed. As you know, it is saturated with milk proteins and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Milk is beneficial for gastritis and retains its benefits even in condensed form.

You should not overuse the product; it is rich in calories and too fatty, which can cause disorders of the digestive tract. Moderate intake is allowed. Nutritionists recommend taking up to three teaspoons of the product for breakfast or lunch.

You should be extremely careful with products that only resemble condensed milk and have little in common with the natural product. As a rule, manufacturers use a variety of food additives to make surrogates. Milk replaces starch, palm or vegetable oil and milk powder. Such a product can be harmful to health; before purchasing, you should carefully read the composition.

Which milk to choose

There is animal and plant based milk. Each type has its own characteristics and composition.


Cow's milk, in addition to water, contains proteins, lipids, milk sugar, choline, many vitamins, and mineral compounds. The concentration of active components in the product varies depending on the time of year, breed and growing conditions of livestock. A high-fat product contains more lipids and quickly fills you up, so it should be consumed in limited quantities. It is recommended for people suffering from a chronic form of gastritis with increased secretion and polypous gastritis, characterized by the formation of polyps on the walls of the stomach.

Cow's milk contains lipids, milk sugar, and choline.


For erosive gastritis, it is better to use products based on goat's milk. They contain fatty components that are well absorbed by the body and do not cause disturbances in gastric secretion. Goat's milk is rich in lysozyme, an enzyme that eliminates the destructive effects of acid on the walls of the stomach.

At the same time, it contains significantly less lactose compared to cow's milk, so the product is less allergenic.


Drinking oat milk helps alleviate symptoms, prolong and consolidate the results of the main therapy. The plant-based drink contains a large amount of vitamins and fiber. Envelops the walls of the stomach, eliminates pain, normalizes the digestive process, removes toxins, salts and other harmful substances from the body.

Oat milk alleviates the symptoms of gastritis.

What kind of condensed milk can

The choice of condensed milk is important. Not every one is suitable for a recovering body. First of all, the patient is recommended to choose a brand that has proven itself to be of high quality products. Make sure that the product meets the parameters specified in GOST.

Artificial additives are unacceptable. Condensed milk with strawberry or banana flavor is definitely not suitable; various components are added to the composition to enhance the taste. Nutritionists prohibit the use of boiled condensed milk for gastritis. It is considered too fatty, saturated with sugar and other components that are harmful to health during the treatment period.

Benefits for the body

Condensed milk tastes good and has a number of useful properties:

  1. The main component of condensed milk is milk; the product retains its enveloping ability, due to which a protection is formed around the affected areas that does not allow gastric juice to have a destructive effect on the epigastrium;
  2. This is an extremely nutritious product. Often during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract a person experiences constant hunger. If the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, the body lacks proteins, the patient will begin to need energy-rich food;
  3. Sweet foods have a beneficial effect on the liver. As you know, catarrh is often associated with liver diseases; during treatment it is worth taking care of this important organ;

  4. One of the properties of condensed milk is the ability to eliminate the aggressive environment of the epigastrium. It will be useful to consume honey, which reduces the risk of ulcers. Nutritionists advise combining honey with condensed milk; in its pure form, the bee product can cause heartburn and stomach upset;
  5. Psychologists note that consuming condensed milk reduces the possibility of developing stress and emotional tension. Being limited in many foods due to gastritis, a person experiences psychological difficulties. Mental activity becomes difficult. Condensed milk promotes a good mood, supplies energy that increases brain activity;
  6. The product is good for the digestive organs and does not require much time to digest.


As noted earlier, the greatest dangers await the buyer not during use, but during purchase. Today it is difficult to find quality products on store shelves. Sometimes the word “GOST” on the packaging does not provide a 100% guarantee that the product contains only the necessary components. In some cases, the composition of condensed milk will harm both a patient with inflammation of the stomach and a completely healthy person.

Perhaps the most harmful product for health is oil, butter or vegetable. Harmful due to fat content. The color will be an indicator of refusal to purchase condensed milk. Products that are beige or brown in color are contraindicated, indicating the fat content in the composition. Only white condensed milk is allowed to be eaten.

Boiled condensed milk is considered harmful due to additives. Fillers change the taste of the product, increase acidity, negatively affecting the functioning of internal organs.

A high-quality product will be useful during the treatment of an inflamed stomach, but you need to consume it a little. Abuse of sugar will harm a sick person and a healthy one.

Rules of use

Milk promotes rapid recovery of the body. But in the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to take measures so as not to provoke the reverse process.

Daily norm

In case of high acidity, it is recommended to drink the drink according to the following scheme:

  • on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, you should drink 0.5 tbsp;
  • another 200 ml - before each subsequent meal.

With low acidity, it is important to avoid foods with high fat content, which are difficult for the stomach to digest and can cause heartburn, nausea, and flatulence.
To achieve a positive treatment result, several conditions must be met:

  • An hour before meals, drink 1 tbsp milk. 2 times a day;
  • in the first days of taking it, limit yourself to half a glass, drinking the portion in small sips;
  • increase the dose gradually.
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