What not to eat in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed

Principles of a slag-free diet

A slag-free diet requires adherence to the following principles:

  • The diet cannot last long, as it is unbalanced and cannot cover all the needs of the human body.
  • During the diet, be sure to drink as much water as possible, as well as replenish vitamins and microelements. It is important to provide the body with at least a small amount of energy.
  • Products that take a long time to digest are excluded from the menu. You should definitely give up those foods that contain a lot of fiber.
  • You should eat mostly broths, liquid soups and cereals. It is acceptable to eat small amounts of low-fat meat.
  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, not taking into account liquid from soups and broths.
  • Salty and spicy foods should be prohibited.
  • The method of preparing dishes is steaming or boiling. You cannot fry foods.
  • Food should enter the stomach in small portions.
  • 24 hours before the upcoming examination, you must completely stop eating solid food. Acceptable dishes: liquid soup based on vegetables, tea with honey, juice diluted with water, low-fat kefir and yogurt.

General principles of preparation for analysis

Proper preparation – reliable results!

Now that the organization of nutrition before blood tests of various types is known to all readers of our resource, it would not be amiss to consider the general principles of preparation for this type of examination.

As a rule, restrictions on preparatory activities are not so significant, but compliance with them is extremely important to obtain the most accurate and reliable diagnostic result.

The general list of training includes the following:

  1. 72 hours before blood sampling, it is important to stop taking medications that have any effect on the condition of the blood. The list of these is quite wide, so it is advisable to consult with a treating specialist regarding this issue before conducting the examination.
  2. 48 hours before the test, completely avoid drinking alcohol.
  3. It is advisable to take blood sampling in the morning, since it is during this period of the day that its condition is closest to the actual one and is more convenient for obtaining reliable data on the state of human health.
  4. There is no need to smoke 3 hours before collecting biomaterial, since nicotine has a significant effect on the structural structure of the blood.
  5. Before the analysis, it is extremely important to get a good night’s sleep and first exclude any physical/psychological stress on the body and pathologies that worsen your well-being. If there are any, it is better to postpone the examination for some period of time.

Nutrition before general blood test

A general blood test is a common and basic laboratory diagnostic method.

Due to the high importance of a blood test, it is important to properly prepare for this procedure, otherwise you will not be able to obtain reliable and most accurate results. As noted earlier, the preparation method directly depends on the purpose for which the biomaterial is collected.

Today our resource will consider basic types of analysis and principles of preparation for them. Let's start, perhaps, with an analysis of nutrition on the eve of a general blood test. Firstly, it is important to know that this type of diagnosis must be done on an empty stomach, that is, you cannot eat immediately before the analysis.

It is advisable that the patient take his last meal before blood sampling no earlier than 8 hours before.

In addition, before the analysis you also do not need to quench your thirst with drinks containing alcohol, coffee and tea. It is better to give preference to ordinary water. These restrictions are largely due to the fact that a considerable number of products can temporarily modify the composition of the blood, as a result of which the examination results are not as reliable as we would like.

Despite such strict restrictions, for people for whom food intake is simply vital even before a blood test, there is a list of products available for consumption even before this type of examination. It includes:

  • all porridges are made with water without butter or sugar
  • bread
  • low-fat cheese
  • fresh vegetables
  • weak tea (no sugar)

It is worth noting that any meal before a general blood test should be light and consist of a small amount of food. It is strictly forbidden to eat meat, fish, smoked foods, sweet products, sugar, all types of oils, fatty and canned foods.

Nutrition before biochemical blood test

Biochemical blood test - effective diagnosis of the condition of internal organs

A biochemical blood test, along with a general one, is a basic method for examining the condition of the human body based on red blood cells. The general principles of preparation for this examination method are very similar to those indicated earlier.

Taking blood for biochemical analysis is not even advisable, but must be done on an empty stomach, without drinking coffee, tea or alcohol-containing drinks beforehand.

In addition, it is very important 12-24 hours before the analysis to try to exclude from your diet such foods as:

  • all fried, smoked and fatty foods
  • sparkling water
  • alcohol in any form
  • all sources of animal protein (meat, fish, kidneys, etc.)

It is worth noting that in order to obtain more reliable analysis results, the attending physician may prescribe the patient a fairly strict diet, which must be followed 1-2 days before the examination. Such an event should not be ignored, since the accuracy of the diagnostic results obtained largely determines how effective and how quickly the therapeutic process will proceed.

Also, before a biochemical blood test, it is advisable to stop brushing your teeth and not even use chewing gum. Surprisingly, even these seemingly harmless things seriously affect the final results of the examination.

Permitted and prohibited products

Products that can and cannot be eaten are presented in the table.

What not to eat What can you eat
  • Fresh vegetables: beets, radishes, cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, carrots, legumes
  • Fresh fruits: apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines
  • Borodinsky and bran bread
  • Cereals, except semolina
  • Sorrel and spinach
  • Any greens
  • Seaweed cooked “Korean style” or marinated
  • Okroshka
  • Borscht and cabbage soup – any dishes that contain fresh or boiled cabbage
  • Milk soups
  • Any mushrooms
  • Marinades, sauces, pickles
  • Chocolate
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Chips
  • Any products that have undergone a smoking procedure
  • Fatty meat: lamb, duck, pork
  • Fatty fish: herring, mackerel, crucian carp
  • Baked goods containing poppy seeds, nuts, grains, coconut flakes and other ingredients that take a long time to digest
  • Milk
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, kvass, sweet mineral water
  • Fast food
  • Boiled vegetables and soups based on them
  • Dried white bread, crackers, nut- and poppy-free baked goods, biscuits
  • Yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir
  • Boiled chicken and quail eggs
  • Some homemade mayonnaise
  • Semolina porridge, but always liquid
  • Fruit souffles and mousses
  • Meat and fish of dietary varieties, boiled or steamed
  • Cheese and butter, both vegetable and butter, but in small quantities
  • Honey and jelly
  • Compote, weak tea, still water, juice diluted with water, dried fruit jelly, coffee

Diet menu before intestinal colonoscopy

7-4 days before colonoscopy

First meal
  • Semolina
  • Soft-boiled egg
  • Tea with sugar
Snack before lunch Cheese and baked apple (must be grated first)
  • Vermicelli soup with vegetable broth
  • Steamed chicken breast fillet
  • Tea with crackers and sugar
Last meal
  • Boiled vegetables in salad with olive oil dressing
  • compote

2-3 days before colonoscopy

First meal
  • Semolina
  • Soft-boiled egg
  • Tea with sugar
Snack before lunch Cheese and baked apple (must be grated first)
  • Vermicelli soup with vegetable broth
  • Steamed chicken breast fillet
  • Tea with crackers and sugar
Last meal
  • Boiled vegetables in salad with olive oil dressing
  • compote

1 day before colonoscopy

First meal Cottage cheese with 0% fat and coffee with sugar
Snack before lunch Yogurt
  • Noodle soup with chicken broth
  • Steamed ground turkey cutlets
  • Glass of tea
Dinner Kefir

Authorized Products

The diet menu allows lean broths and clear soups based on vegetables, chicken and beef meat, chicken meat, rabbit, turkey, lean fish, steamed (cod, pike perch, perch, pike), semolina and corn grits, eggs in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled, cheese, olive, sunflower and butter, white rice, premium wheat pasta, boiled and canned vegetables without peels and seeds (cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms), fruit juice without pulp, ripe melon, peaches , apricots, purified non-carbonated drinking water, black and green tea, coffee without cream and milk, jelly, compotes without grounds, natural syrups and jellies, honey, dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, kefir, skim milk), powdered without yeast dietary cookies (without fruit additives), crackers, white bread crackers.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned eggplants0,90,77,349
mashed potatoes2,54,214,7106
boiled carrots0,80,35,025
canned cucumbers2,80,01,316
boiled beets1,80,010,849
canned tomatoes1,10,13,520


canned fruits0,50,19,540

Cereals and porridges

semolina porridge on water2,50,216,880
white boiled rice2,20,524,9116

Flour and pasta

premium boiled pasta3,50,423,2112

Bakery products

white bread crackers11,21,472,2331


cracker cookies11,313,467,1352

Raw materials and seasonings



dairy products3,26,54,1117

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,00,61,888

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254


boiled diet sausage12,113,50,0170


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130


soft-boiled chicken eggs12,811,60,8159

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,35,00,0116

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899

Non-alcoholic drinks

green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152
hibiscus tea0,30,00,65

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
Apple juice0,40,49,842
* data is per 100 g of product

Quitting the diet

You need to exit a slag-free diet correctly so as not to harm your health. The release lasts about a week. If you do not follow the recommendations presented, there is a high probability of developing constipation and the formation of fecal stones. There is even a risk that a person will develop an intestinal obstruction. In order for the body to smoothly adapt to its usual diet, you need to introduce one product from the list of prohibited foods into it every day. First, a person should eat vegetables, fruits and cereals, and then you can add black bread, fried and fatty foods.

It is important to continue to drink enough water during this time so that the intestinal microflora recovers faster; it is recommended to take probiotics, which help improve food digestion processes.

Why is it important to diet

Diet reduces the risk of receiving false results during analysis. This contributes to a quick and accurate diagnosis. Some products can completely distort the information obtained during the study.

For example, eating meat will result in the presence of occult blood in the stool. This will make the doctor think there is internal bleeding. Pathologies accompanied by damage to the internal membranes of the gastrointestinal tract will be considered as possible versions.

Effect on the body

Following a diet reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Internal organs work better. The synthesis of enzymes and the secretion of gastric juice are normalized. Irritation of the intestinal mucous membranes is eliminated, and its general condition improves. This increases the reliability of the analysis results.

To get accurate results, you must follow a certain diet before submitting stool for analysis.

Indications for use

A slag-free diet can only be prescribed by a doctor and for a very specific purpose. The diet is designed to prepare the intestines for colonoscopy, so it is aimed at cleansing it. During the procedure, the organ will be examined by the doctor from the inside, so it needs to be absolutely clean. This diet is recommended for all patients undergoing colonoscopy.

Most often, the doctor recommends starting to follow a diet 3 days before the upcoming colonoscopy. However, provided that the patient has problems with the intestines or other organs of the digestive system, the diet can be started a week before the upcoming manipulations. This will not only bring your stool back to normal, but will also facilitate the elimination of feces.

Results and reviews

Since a slag-free diet in preparation for colonoscopy is mandatory, patient reviews differ mainly in tolerability, and its results are directly determined by the creation of conditions for conducting a high-quality examination of the intestines.

  • “... When I suspected an intestinal tumor, I was prescribed a colonoscopy and a slag-free diet 5 days before the examination. I ate only what I could eat and didn’t allow myself anything extra. For me these were painful days - a strong and constant feeling of hunger, a headache, I could not do anything. I could hardly stand it, but the doctor said that I was well prepared for the examination”;
  • “... A sigmoidoscopy was prescribed. Before the sigmoidoscopy, the doctor advised me to go on a 1-2 day diet with the exclusion of foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines and to do a high-quality cleansing enema. The examination went well."

Comments from nutritionists

The diet is not balanced and quite strict. The body will be deprived of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The person will begin to experience dizziness, weakness and malaise. An acute feeling of hunger may occur. To improve your own well-being, you need to try to minimize the impact of stress factors on the body and not overload it physically. During this period, you cannot play sports; it is advisable to abandon activities associated with mental overload.

Some women, in an effort to lose weight or “cleanse” their intestines, decide to resort to a slag-free diet. This cannot be done, since the diet is designed solely as a preparatory stage before a colonoscopy. To lose excess weight, you need to spend fasting days on kefir, cottage cheese or vegetables.

Author of the article:

Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich |
Doctor of Medical Sciences therapist Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - “General Medicine” in 1991, in 1993 “Occupational diseases”, in 1996 “Therapy”. Our authors

What foods should you not eat on an empty stomach?

  • A sausage sandwich
    is one of the worst options because it supplies the body with a lot of fat and calories. There is practically nothing healthy in the sandwich. If you are accustomed to sandwiches and do not want to give them up, then you need to make the sandwich healthy and nutritious by replacing the loaf with whole grain bread, and the sausage with cheese and other low-calorie fillings.
  • Meat products - sausages, sausages, smoked meats, bacon, pate
    This year, the World Health Organization compared the health risks arising from eating processed meat with the danger posed by smoking cigarettes. Experts noted that processed meat significantly increases the risk of intestinal cancer and recommended limiting the consumption of such products to 50 grams per day. If you do not want to develop psoriasis or eczema, then it is better to choose something healthier for breakfast than sausages.
  • Oranges
    taken on an empty stomach can cause allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Bananas
    Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance in the body.
  • Raw vegetables Vegetables
    such as cucumbers, cabbage, and paprika can irritate the gastric mucosa due to their acid content. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
  • Cold drinks
    complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm ones.
  • Sweets
    After waking up, the pancreas is not able to produce the required amount of insulin to break down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. Sugar is also an acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-base balance.
  • Coffee
    Those who like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach should think about replacing their morning “ritual”. Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the gastric mucosa, thereby promoting the production of excess gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
  • Garlic, canned food and smoked meats
    It is also worth mentioning the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach, it causes gastrospasm. As well as all kinds of canned and smoked foods that should not be consumed at all, and not just for breakfast.

What not to eat at night

First, a few words about why it is not recommended to eat it at night. At night, during sleep, the digestion process slows down, so food that enters the stomach shortly before sleep remains there almost undigested until the morning, simply rotting there. In the morning, the stomach must digest all this, but doing this after waking up is not easy for it.

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As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. This results in lethargy, weakened immunity, and excess weight.

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