Abdominal massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes weight loss. The following types are distinguished:

  • pinch (tones muscles, improves skin condition, reduces fat layer);
  • cupping (removes local fat deposits, helps reduce scars and stretch marks);
  • anti-cellulite (accelerates lymph flow, kneads subcutaneous fat, reduces the appearance of “orange peel”);
  • visceral (improves blood circulation, strengthens the anterior and posterior walls of the abdomen, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • honey (helps accelerate blood flow, improve skin condition, disappearance of cellulite and removal of toxins), etc.

Massage for indigestion

If there are diseases of the digestive system, a massage may be prescribed. The effect is possible during the period of remission, but in the acute phase of a chronic disease the techniques are not used.

Abdominal massage for digestion is useful because:

  • Improves the secretion of the digestive organs;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the neuroregulatory apparatus;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Brings a favorable resolution of pathological processes closer and prevents relapses;
  • Stimulates the functional potential of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles;
  • Prevents and eliminates reflex changes occurring in the integumentary tissues.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, massage is prescribed as a course and performed by a medical professional. If the internal organs are not properly stimulated, complications may occur. Outpatient treatment of the digestive system is possible after consultation with the attending physician and if you have certain skills.

Massage for gastrointestinal diseasesIrina Vasilyeva

Anatomical and physiological data of the gastrointestinal tract

The gastrointestinal tract consists of the stomach and intestines, which are divided into 3 sections: duodenum, large and small intestine. But food processing begins much earlier than it enters the stomach. Grinding of food and wetting it with saliva, which causes the breakdown of carbohydrates, occurs in the oral cavity.

Having entered the mouth, food irritates numerous receptors, impulses from which reach the brain, stimulating the secretions of the salivary, gastric and pancreas glands.

From the oral cavity, food enters the initial segment of the esophagus, and from there into the stomach (Fig. 1)

. The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity and consists of the entrance part - the cardiac opening (cardia), the main part - the fornix (bottom), the middle part of the organ - the body (corpus). The stomach ends in the pyloric (antral) part, which is separated from the stomach by the pyloric sphincter.

Rice. 1. Structure of the stomach: 1 - vault; 2 - greater curvature; 3 - folds of the mucous membrane; 4 - sine; 5 - pyloric region; 6 - duodenum; 7 - gatekeeper; 8 - food lane; 9 — small curvature; 10 - body; 11 - entrance

There are two types of curvature in the stomach: small, facing the liver, and large, facing the spleen. The wall of the stomach consists of an outer layer (serous membrane) and three inner layers: muscular, submucosal and mucous membrane.

In the area of ​​the body of the stomach there are glands that provide gastric digestion by secreting pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

In the gastric mucosa (in the antrum) there are cells that produce mucus, which plays a protective role, creating a barrier that prevents self-digestion of the gastric mucosa.

The main functions of the stomach are secretory-digestive and motor. In addition, it performs absorption and excretory functions. The secretory function is to secrete gastric juice. This process is determined by food intake and is carried out in several phases: a reflex act (secretion of gastric juices under the influence of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes), stimulation of the main cells by gastrin (a hormone that causes the formation of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid).

Motor function is of great importance in the process of digestion, since at rest the stomach contracts only occasionally, and during swallowing the contractions stop and peristaltic movements subsequently occur, leading to the grinding of food and its movement into the duodenum.

The function of the pyloric sphincter is to separate the stomach from the duodenum. This is carried out by a special obturator reflex on the part of the duodenum, which occurs when acidic contents or fat enter it.

Swallowed food in the stomach is arranged in layers as it enters. Moreover, the outer layers are digested and enter the duodenum earlier than those located closer to the center of the stomach.

The intestine starts from the pylorus and ends with the anus, being the main section of the digestive tract. It digests food and absorbs the products of its breakdown. In addition, the intestines perform a motor function.

From the mesenteric arteries, the intestines are supplied with blood, with the help of which a number of biologically active substances are produced that influence the digestive process and ensure its coordination. Regulation of intestinal activity also occurs through the branches of the vagus nerve and the sympathetic nervous system through the nerve plexuses of the mucous membrane.

The intestine is divided into 3 sections: duodenum, small and large intestine. From the intestine, food enters the duodenum, where it is exposed to pancreatic juice, bile coming from the liver, as well as the juice of the glands (located in the mucous membrane of the duodenum), which break down fats and proteins. The duodenum is located in the form of a horseshoe, and its length is 25–30 cm. The duodenum consists of 3 parts: the initial (bulb), vertical and lower horizontal.

The continuation of the duodenum is the small intestine, the first 2/5 of which is the jejunum, and 3/5 of which is the ileum. In the small intestine, the process of digesting food continues due to enzymes coming from the duodenum. The release of intestinal enzymes occurs under the influence of gastric juice, protein breakdown products and other components of food and hormones produced by the duodenum.

The small intestine consists of a serosa, a muscular layer and a mucous membrane. Absorption functions are carried out by the villi of the mucous membrane. Amino acids and monosaccharides are absorbed directly into the blood, acids enter the liver through the collar vein, and neutral (split) fats enter the lymphatic pathways, bypassing the liver, and from there into the blood. Most vitamins enter the body through the small intestine.

From the small intestine, the unabsorbed part of the food enters the initial part of the large intestine - the cecum, then into the colon, transverse, then into the descending part and, finally, into the sigmoid colon, connected to the rectum and ending with the anus. The large intestine in the form of an incomplete semi-rim surrounds the loops of the small intestine.

The bulk of food is digested and absorbed in the small intestine. In the colon, additional digestion of fiber and connective tissue occurs under the influence of bacterial flora. Suppression of the bacterial flora can lead to vitamin deficiencies, since it is involved in the formation of vitamins.

The large intestine absorbs mainly water, which leads to the formation of dense stool. In addition, salts of iron, mercury, bismuth, calcium and toxins can be released into the lumen of the large intestine.

Massage and digestion: indications

Constipation and indigestion are the most common indications for massage. Sessions are useful for patients with gastritis, colitis, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Various techniques are used for adhesions and stomach ulcers.

Massage for diseases of the digestive system is indicated in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • Bloating and increased gas formation;
  • Discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Reflux and heartburn;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Stomach prolapse;
  • Postoperative adhesions;
  • Constipation in the early stages.

Massage techniques help in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system. A targeted treatment may be prescribed for a course of 1 month.

Massage to improve digestion in Crohn's disease and UC

Massage for inflammatory bowel diseases allows not only to alleviate chronic symptoms, but also to diagnose the most problematic parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Many gastroenterologists believe that this is a universal method for eliminating disorders.

Massage techniques relieve tension in places of spasms, stimulate bile secretion and sympathetic innervation in the solar plexus area.

Massage is indicated for signs of a prolapsed stomach. With its help, reflux conditions characteristic of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are eliminated. During massage, the projection of Vater's nipple relaxes, which subsequently leads to stimulation of bile secretion and better digestion of fats. The pressure inside the abdominal cavity is equalized and blood circulation improves.

Types of professional abdominal massage for weight loss

In addition to self-massage techniques for abdominal weight loss, which can be done at home, there are also professional methods. They are also used for weight loss, but are performed by specialists.

The following types of massage are distinguished:

  • Lymphatic drainage – removes excess moisture, waste and toxic substances, as well as cholesterol from the body. Its difference is that it is performed by fine rubbing along the flow of lymph to the lymph nodes.
  • Lipomodeling is the most used and recommended type of massage. Leads to the production of collagen and elastin in increased volumes, burning excess fat, restoring metabolic processes, etc. The procedure is carried out using stroking, kneading and rubbing.
  • Acupressure - helps activate biochemical processes in the body, promotes burning of the fat layer, and also stimulates blood flow. It is carried out as part of acupuncture effects on bioactive points.

Read material on the topic: Proper nutrition for weight loss for girls: advice from the best nutritionists (+ menu for 14 days)

Abdominal massage for constipation

Defecation during constipation is complicated and provokes pain in the abdomen and anus. Long-term constipation leads to hardening of stool and anal fissures. Soreness, nausea, bloating, dizziness and headaches accompany constipation.

Depending on the technique, abdominal massage for constipation can be:

  • Hardware.

The technique involves performing it using special equipment and in a clinical setting. Use vacuum, microcurrent or roller massagers.

  • Pointed.

Acupressure acts quickly and precisely. It allows you to speed up intestinal motility during constipation.

  • Segmental-reflex.

During the procedure, the specialist acts on the nerve endings and points responsible for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, located in the lumbar and thoracic regions of the back.

Depending on the chosen method, the massage therapist can influence the gastrointestinal tract without the use of devices, stimulating the abdominal cavity with his hands. The massage is performed in a clockwise direction with periodic and gentle pressure. Self-massage is done using a similar scheme, which helps improve peristalsis and reduce complications of constipation, such as increased gas formation and accompanying abdominal pain.

MASSAGE FOR LUMBOSACRAL RADICULITIS WITH SCHIALGIA (SCIACHIAL NERVE DISORDER) The patient's position is lying on his stomach. A cushion should be placed under the ankle joints. 1. Massage of the lumbar region. All techniques are carried out differentiated. 2. Massage of the pelvic area. All techniques are performed taking into account the patient’s condition. 3. Massage of the paravertebral zone from S5 T10 (D10). All techniques are done from the bottom up. 4. Massage the most painful areas (BAP, BAZ), using the inhibitory method of exposure for 1.5-2 minutes at each point. 5. Massage of the lower limb (for sciatica) along the back and front surfaces. Start the massage from the foot and carry out to the pelvic area: a) stroking; b) rubbing; c) kneading (all techniques are used); d) vibration (performed differentially). Particular attention should be paid to damaged muscle groups of the lower extremities. 6. Massage of important nerve trunks of the lower extremities (sciatic nerve - Huan Tiao, Cheng Fu, Yin Men, Fu Qi, peroneal nerve - Yang Ling Quan; tibial nerve - Fu Liu; femoral nerve - Bi Guan) - sedative. 7. Passive movements on the joints of the lower extremities with acupressure of points (hip - Huan Tiao; knee - Yang Ling Quan; ankle - Jie Xi, Kun Lun; interphalangeal foot - Yong Quan). 8. Complete the massage with traction techniques for the sciatic-fibular and tibial nerves. The patient's position is lying on his back (with his leg straight up at the hip joint) and traction of the femoral nerve (the patient lies on his stomach, his leg straight up or bent at the knee joint) (Fig. 63, 64).

Rice. 63. Segmental massage for sacral pain: 1-skin; 2-connective tissue; 3-muscles
Rice. 64. Segmental massage for right-sided sciatica.

The duration of the procedure is 30-35 minutes. The number of procedures is 10-12 with a gradual increase in the intensity of massage techniques. MASSAGE FOR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA The position of the patient during massage is sitting or first lying on his stomach, and then on his back. I. Begin the massage with general stroking and rubbing of the entire back, collar area and chest (if the patient is sitting). II. Impact on the paravertebral zone from T9 (D9) - T2 (D2): 1) stroking - planar, forceps-shaped, comb-shaped, rake-shaped, ironing; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, pincer-shaped, sawing, hatching; 3) kneading - pressing, shifting, stretching, forceps; 4) vibration - labile, continuous, with separate fingers, one or two hands. All movements are performed only from bottom to top. III. Massage of the peri-scapular area (massage on both shoulder blades at the same time): 1) stroking - a) along the outer edge; b) along the inner edge; c) along the axis of the scapula to the shoulder joint; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, shading - along the perimeter of the blades; 3) kneading - forceps, pressing, shifting, stretching, transverse and longitudinal along the shoulder girdle; 4) vibration - labile, continuous. Complete the impact on the peri-scapular area by stroking. IV. Massage of the intercostal spaces: 1) stroking - flat, rake-shaped, forceps-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, sawing, crossing, pincer-shaped, hatching; 3) kneading - pressing, shifting, stretching, forceps; 4) vibration - labile continuous, stable intermittent, puncturing, shaking of the lower chest. V. Chest massage: movement is performed from the anterior surface of the cervical region, upper chest, with an emphasis on the places of attachment of the clavicles to the sternum, axomial processes of the shoulder blades: 1) stroking - grasping, planar, forceps-shaped, rake-shaped, ironing, comb-shaped; movements are performed from top to bottom along the front surface of the neck, and on the chest - to the axillary lymph nodes; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, tong-shaped, sawing, crossing, hatching, planing; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, pressing, shifting, stretching, rolling; 4) vibration - varieties of intermittent and continuous with shaking of the entire chest. VI. Breathing massage. When performing a breathing massage, there are possible options for using breathing exercises according to the course of Buteyko et al., as well as options recommended in the case of using the method of treating pneumonia. VII. Complete the procedure by stroking and rubbing the back, collar area, and chest (Fig. 65). The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The number of procedures is 12-15. MASSAGE FOR PNEUMONIA The patient's position is sitting or lying, first on the stomach and then on the back.
I. Back massage: 1) stroking - plane, grasping, pincer-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing, varying these techniques with weights; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, tong-shaped, sawing, crossing, hatching, planing; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, rolling, pressing, shifting, stretching, pincer-like; Rice. 65. Segmental massage for diseases of the lungs and pleura.

4) vibration - labile, continuous, intermittent, shaking. II. Massage of the collar area: 1) stroking - plane, grasping, forceps-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, with weights; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, pincer-shaped, sawing, crossing, hatching; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, pressing, shifting, stretching, forceps; 4) vibration - labile continuous, stable intermittent at the da-zhui point, which is located under the 7th cervical vertebra. III. Massage of the peri-scapular area (along the edges of both shoulder blades): 1) stroking - planar, with separate fingers from II to V and the terminal phalanx of the first finger along the scapula at the same time, forceps-shaped; 2) rubbing - circular, straight, spiral, with weights, hatching, sawing, crossing; 3) kneading - pressing, forceps, shifting, stretching, longitudinal, transverse along the shoulder girdle; 4) vibration - labile continuous, stable intermittent. IV. Massage of the anterior surface of the chest: 1) stroking - flat, comb-shaped, rake-shaped, ironing, forceps-shaped; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, sawing, crossing, pincer-shaped, hatching; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, pressing, shifting, stretching, forceps; 4) vibration - labile, continuous and intermittent, shaking. Start chest massage from the front surface of the neck, upper thoracic region, then lower thoracic region and complete the movement along the level of the diaphragm projection. V. Breathing massage. Place the terminal phalanges from fingers II to V of both hands along the intercostal spaces from T9 (D9) - T5 (D5) as close as possible to the spinal column. When the patient exhales, make jerking movements 5-6 times, simultaneously moving towards the sternum. When inhaling, do not perform the movement. The closer your hands come to the midline, the stronger the pressure. Repeat 3-4 times. Another option for breathing massage. With one hand we fix the front surface of the chest (near the xiphoid process - ju-wei). The other hand is located symmetrically on the opposite side on the back area. At the beginning of the act of exhalation, both hands move simultaneously upward from the front surface to the collarbone on one side, along the back surface to the corresponding side of the spine of the scapula. In these places, the movement is completed with three or four jerky pressures. At the end of exhalation, increase the impact on each half of the body alternately. VI. Complete the massage procedure with general stroking of the chest, collar area for 2-3 minutes, as well as using rubbing techniques, alternating with patting, tapping, puncturing and shaking the entire chest. During the procedure, make sure that the patient does not hold his breath (Fig. 66). The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The number of procedures is 15-18, daily or every other day, depending on the patient’s response. MASSAGE FOR CERVICO-THORACIC OSTEOCHONDROSIS Radicular syndrome and cervical migraine caused by osteochondrosis Objectives of massage. Improving blood and lymph circulation; reduction or complete removal of pain; prevention of neurogenic contracture of the upper extremities; restoration of normal range of motion in the joints of the upper limbs; combating vestibular disorders; helping to strengthen weakened muscle groups or reduce spastic manifestations.

Rice. 66. Segmental massage for pneumonia.

The position of the person being massaged during the procedure is lying on his stomach or sitting with support on the headrest (cushion, pillow). Sequence of classical massage I. Back massage: 1) stroking - plane, grasping, ironing, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, forceps-shaped; all massage movements are from bottom to top; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, pincer-shaped, sawing, crossing; all movements - from bottom to top and top to bottom along the back area; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, rolling, shifting, stretching, pincer-shaped; all massage movements - from bottom to top and top to bottom; 4) vibration - continuous labile and intermittent differentiated, taking into account the patient’s condition. II. Massage of the collar area: 1) stroking - all types of techniques from top to bottom from the occipital protuberance to the shoulder joints; 2) rubbing - all types of reception in a double direction, both from top to bottom and from bottom to top; 3) kneading - all types of techniques, except felting, movement in different directions; 4) vibration - all types of techniques, taking into account the individual condition of the patient at this stage of treatment. III. Massage of the paravertebral zone from T6 (O6) to Sz: 1) stroking - plane, ironing, movements from bottom to top; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, sawing, hatching; all movements are from bottom to top; 3) kneading - pressing, stretching, shifting, pinching; all movements are from bottom to top; 4) vibration - labile, continuous, from bottom to top. IV. Massage of the scalp: 1) stroking - flat, rake-like over the hair, taking into account the direction of hair growth (hairstyle); 2) rubbing - straight, circular, hatching; movement - in any direction; 3) kneading - pressing, shifting, stretching, pinching in different directions; 4) vibration - continuous labile, intermittent in the form of puncturing with fingers (“finger shower”), in different directions. V. Massage of the most painful areas (MAT). Apply a sedative (inhibitory) method of acupressure for up to 1.5-2 minutes to each point located in the head area, more often the following points: feng fu, ya-men, feng chi, da zhui, jian jing, fu -fen, ge-guan; Massage symmetrical points at the same time. VI. Massage the upper anterior part of the chest, all techniques should be performed in the direction from the middle of the sternum to the shoulders. Then perform a trapezoid (traction) of the head, taking into account the pathology (for cervical migraine) and disorders of the vestibular apparatus; special attention - rotational movements, and in case of radicular traction syndrome, carry out the traction according to the damaged side, for the purpose of relaxation. VII. Finish with a massage of the entire back surface. duration of the procedure - 15-20 minutes, number of procedures - from 10 to 12, complex treatment is recommended. Humeroscapular periarthrosis, angina syndrome Position of the person being massaged - sitting or lying on the stomach, then on the back. P. Back massage - all basic and auxiliary techniques. II. Massage of the collar area - all the main and auxiliary techniques used in this area. Sh. Massage of the paravertebral zone from T6 (O6) to Sz - techniques recommended for this zone. IV. Massage the anterior upper thoracic area, all movements towards the shoulder girdle. V. Massage of the most painful areas (MAT) - sedate the previously recommended points. VI. Massage of the pathologically impaired upper limb, starting with the area of ​​the scapula, shoulder girdle, then the hand, forearm, shoulder; with an emphasis on performing techniques on the most impaired parts of the upper limbs. VII. Massage the most important nerve trunks of the upper limb, apply sedation for up to 1.5-2 minutes (sub-porch nerve - dao-bao, musculocutaneous - tian-fu, radial - shou-san-li, median - nei-guan, ulnar - shao-hai). VIII. Perform passive movements on the joints of the upper limb with compression (pressure, acupressure) of the BAP points. On the shoulder joint - jian-yu, on the elbow joint - shao-hai + qu-chi, on the wrist during flexion and extension - da-lin + yang-chi, during rotational movements in the wrist joint - nei-guan + wai-guan, and when abduction and adduction - yang-gu + yang-si. Passive movements in the interphalangeal joints of individual fingers of the hand are carried out with compression of the shi xuan points. IX. Complete the massage procedure by stretching and shaking the upper limb. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes, the number of procedures is 10-12. Guidelines for the use of massage for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis The main task of the initial period of treatment is to relax individual muscle groups and relieve pain, therefore massage techniques should be performed gently, easily, taking into account the patient’s response. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the patient and differentiate the types of massage manipulations from the manifestations of concomitant diseases and general condition. At the end of the course of treatment, it is recommended to engage in self-massage, exercise therapy, avoid overstraining the upper limbs, sudden movements; when working with arms raised high (electricians, upholsterers, sculptors), it is necessary to wear cotton-gauze collars for the cervical region, especially during long-term work. Avoid drafts and colds. MASSAGE FOR CHRONIC GASTRITIS The position of the patient is first - lying on his stomach, and then - lying on his back, and a cushion should be placed under the knee joints. The massage is carried out taking into account gastritis: hyperacid or hypocidal. I. Back massage: 1) stroking - plane, grasping, pincer-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing; 2) rubbing - before performing the main techniques, you should start with auxiliary ones - sawing and crossing, and then - straight, circular, spiral, tong-shaped, hatching, planing; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, rolling, pressing, shifting, stretching, pincer-like; 4) vibration - labile, continuous and intermittent, shaking. II. Massage of the periscapular area with an emphasis on the left shoulder blade: 1) stroking - a) along the outer edge; b) along the inner edge; c) along the bone of the scapula to the shoulder joint; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, shading - along the perimeter of the blade; 3) kneading - forceps, pressing, shifting, stretching, transverse and longitudinal along the shoulder girdles; 4) vibration - labile continuous, stable intermittent. III. Impact on the paravertebral zone from T9 (D9) - C4 along the 1st-2nd line of the back: 1) stroking - planar, forceps-shaped, comb-shaped, rake-shaped, ironing; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, pincer-shaped, sawing, hatching; 3) kneading - pressing, shifting, stretching, forceps; 4) vibration - labile, continuous, with separate fingers, one or two hands. All movements are performed only from the bottom up, along the spinal column. IV. Complete the back massage by affecting the lower parts of the chest and iliac crests: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. V. Chest massage. Movements are performed from the anterior surface of the cervical region, upper chest: 1) stroking (on the neck from top to bottom) - grasping, flat, rake-shaped, tong-shaped, ironing, weighted, comb-shaped; 2) rubbing - straight, circular, spiral, pincer-shaped, sawing, crossing, comb-shaped, hatching; 3) kneading - longitudinal, transverse, pressing, shifting, stretching; 4) vibration - labile intermittent and continuous, shaking. Particular attention should be paid to the left side of the chest. VI. Abdominal massage. The impact begins around the navel, then pay special attention to the projection of the stomach, the left hypochondrium. All techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration - are carried out in a clockwise direction. For hypocidal gastritis, massage techniques are performed energetically, with a large range of movements. For hyperacid gastritis, massage techniques are performed gently, easily, without shock techniques. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. The number of procedures is 10-12.

Massage for diarrhea

Unlike constipation, with diarrhea, intestinal motility, on the contrary, is increased. In this case, irritation of the walls occurs, the mucous membrane suffers, and the functions of the autonomic nerve endings that regulate the contraction of the intestinal muscles are disrupted.

Chronic diarrhea is a typical symptom of IBD. During the remission stage of the disease, massage can be prescribed, as in the subacute period. However, during an exacerbation, the intestines are not affected due to the risks of worsening the condition. Also, massage for diarrhea is contraindicated if the patient is prone to intestinal bleeding.

Features of massage to improve digestion

For diseases of the digestive system, massage allows you to influence organs affected by pathological processes, reflexogenic and other zones segmentally associated with the problem area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract. If the entire digestive tract is involved in the pathological process, the effect is entirely on the affected organ.

If the patient has increased secretory function and there is a tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines, the massage therapist works using a gentle technique that involves influencing the abdominal cavity and internal organs.

Massaging the front wall, the specialist performs:

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading the muscles;
  • Vibration.

When massaging internal organs, the massage therapist:

  • Massages the desired area with gentle stroking movements;
  • Rub the affected area with your fingers;
  • Performs vibration technique.

The described techniques are performed intensively if secretory function is impaired and smooth muscle tone is increased. At the same time, the massage therapist rubs, strokes, lightly taps the front wall of the abdomen, using lashing, shaking, pushing and chopping techniques.

The method of massage depends on the medical history, clinical manifestations of the disease of the digestive system, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. A lasting therapeutic effect is achieved through massage, diet, drinking plenty of fluids, medication support and physiotherapy.

Chronic gastritis

Indications for massage: chronic gastritis in subacute and remission periods.

Contraindications for massage:

  • the disease is in the acute stage;
  • severe pain syndromes;
  • general contraindications.

Massage plan:

  • Studying the paravertebral areas of the segments of the vertebrae D9-D5 and C-7-C-3, the reflexogenic zones of these segments on the back, neck, front chest, and abdomen.
  • Stomach massage.

Massage technique

The patient is placed on his stomach, cushions are placed under the ankles and under the stomach (if necessary). Perform:

  • Treatment of the spinal areas of the vertebrae D9-D5 and C-7-C-3 by flat surface and deep stroking with the palmar surface of the hands.
  • Circular rubbing with the ends of the fingers, sawing, shading with the pad of the middle finger, pressing tightly to the skin and displacing the soft tissues in the direction of the spine.
  • Kneading the muscles by pressing;
  • Vibration is continuous in the direction from below to overlying segments.

The latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles are massaged:

  • By stroking superficially and deeply towards the axillary areas of the corresponding sides.
  • Rubbing with the palm of the brush, shading and sawing.
  • Kneading, pressing, moving, stretching.
  • The edges of the muscles - by transverse or longitudinal kneading, shaking.
  • The inner edge and lower corner of the shoulder blade - by stroking and rubbing with fingers and the ulnar edge of the palm.

The sternoclavicular - mastoid muscles are massaged along the course of muscle fibers from the mastoid process to the sternoclavicular joints:

  • Stroking, pincer-like rubbing.
  • Kneading with tongs longitudinally and transversely.
  • By shaking.

The anterior areas of the chest are massaged:

  • Stroking and rubbing the sternum with fingers, sternocostal joints, supra- and subclavian areas.
  • Stroking the sternum with your fingertips, directing movements towards the armpits.
  • Rubbing with longitudinal and spiral fingertips.
  • Kneading the chest muscles by displacement, pressing, edges - longitudinal kneading.
  • Stroking the VI-X ribs on the left with the ends of your fingers in a spiral manner.
  • Rake-like stroking and rake-like rubbing of the intercostal spaces in the direction from the sternum to the spine.
  • Stroking and rubbing the costal arches with the ends of the fingers from the sternum to the spine.

The anterior abdominal wall is massaged: with a gentle circular flat surface stroking around the navel clockwise with the dorsal end phalanges of 2-4 fingers, resting the hand on the first finger.

The surface of the abdomen is massaged by stroking the palm of the hand: first, gentle, soft, superficial, and as the muscles relax, deeper. Continue by rubbing: flat with the palm, sawing with the side surface of the palm, crossing. Sawing is combined with grinding: between the ulnar edges of the palms, a fold of skin is grabbed along with the subcutaneous base and sawing grinds it, gradually covering the entire surface of the abdomen.

Abdominal massage technique for digestive diseases

The soft tissues of the anterior wall of the peritoneum are massaged by kneading: longitudinal, transverse, rolling.

The rectus abdominis muscles are massaged: with forceps-like stroking, ironing, spiral and zigzag rubbing, transverse kneading from bottom to top and vice versa.

Massage of oblique abdominal muscles:

  • grasping stroking of the lateral surfaces of the abdomen, circular rubbing, intersections;
  • transverse kneading, pressing and stretching (the latter is best done with the patient lying on his side);
  • rubbing the ribs and iliac crests with your fingers;
  • abdominal shaking: the massage therapist places his hands on both sides of the patient’s abdomen so that the thumbs lie at the level of the navel, and the others on the back, and perform oscillatory movements in the horizontal and vertical directions;
  • at the end and between techniques, the entire abdominal area is stroked.

The abdominal plexus is massaged: by spiral stroking and rubbing with pads of the middle and index fingers in the direction from the sternum to the navel; continuous labile vibration in the same direction, stable vibration in the area where the pain points of the abdominal plexus are located.

Massage of the stomach is carried out with preliminary relaxation of the abdominal wall in front. Circular stroking of the anterior wall of the abdomen on the projection of the stomach from right to left, epigastric and left hypochondrial zone: first flat, superficial and gentle, then deep.

Spiral-shaped gentle rubbing of the integumentary tissues and stomach in the area of ​​the epigastric left hypochondrium with fingers. Rubbing the left costal arch with fingers. Next, the massage is performed by: continuous vibration of the stomach with the palm of the hand, shaking the stomach with fingers placed in a rake-like manner on the epigastric region, and pushing the stomach.

Intermittent vibration in the form of puncturing and light patting of the projection areas of the stomach is used only when a stimulating effect is necessary: ​​with atony of the stomach and reduced secretory ability. Finish the abdominal massage with stroking.

The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes during the course of treatment - 12-15 massages every day or every other day.


Massage is certainly an effective technique to help relieve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. However, before you sign up for sessions or start practicing self-massage, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications (or restrictions to the use of various techniques) may include:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • Oncological neoplasms (cancer);
  • Pelvic diseases;
  • Menstruation in women;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Bleeding;
  • Fever;
  • Pregnancy (regardless of trimester);
  • Nausea, urge to vomit;
  • Skin damage in the affected area (injuries, cuts, burns).

It is not advisable to start a massage on an empty or full stomach. 10-15 minutes before the start of the session, it is recommended to drink a glass of water without gases. After the procedure is completed, you should limit yourself from eating for the next 1-2 hours. Massaging the internal organs does not begin when the bladder is full.

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How to massage the abdomen for weight loss: various techniques

There are several self-massage techniques. You can choose one of them and learn how to do abdominal massage for weight loss yourself at home from scratch, taking into account your own preferences and contraindications.

1. Plucked.

The massage procedure is carried out to ensure that blood flows to the problem area. Thanks to the use of the pinch method, metabolic processes are launched, which increases skin tone, improves appearance and breaks down the fat layer. Because of these qualities, pinch massage is most often chosen. Typically, oil or nourishing cream is applied before the procedure. The massage can be performed in a lying position, sitting or standing.

The session goes like this:

  • The first step is to warm the surface of the skin with light stroking movements. This is necessary to prevent bruising from further techniques.
  • Next you need to grab the skin along with the fat layer. In this case, the thumb should hold the fold on one side, the rest on the other. We make a squeezing motion, as if squeezing out fat. Repeating the movements, you need to move clockwise from the navel. After completing each circle, the radius and depth of impact should be increased.
  • We do three approaches.
  • After three approaches, you need to rub the skin with a soft towel.
  • The session should be completed with patting and stroking movements.

Apart from a slight tingling sensation, there is no particular pain felt during the procedure, and there may also be slight redness.

By spending just 10-15 minutes every day, you can see noticeable results within a month.

2. Canned.

If the previous procedure did not require inventory, then this method will require special jars. However, they are easy to find: there is a huge assortment on the market. There are glass, silicone, rubber, plastic jars, as well as with and without a pump. The desired option is selected based on their body characteristics and their own preferences. To perform the technique, you need two medium jars less than 5 cm in size.

How to massage the abdomen for weight loss yourself with cupping:

  • First of all, you need to apply massage oil or rich cream to the skin.
  • Using the pinch massage technique, we warm up the skin.
  • Lying on your back, you need to place the cups on the problem area so that the skin is absorbed into them, about 1.5 cm.
  • Without lifting it from the skin, move the jars around the navel clockwise. Continue for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, you need to cover the area where the procedure was performed with a towel and allow the skin to rest.

At the moment the skin is sucked under the jar, a vacuum is formed. It affects the dermis, nerve cells and blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow. Because of it, redness appears, because at the same time oxygen and nutrients are supplied.

As a result of the massage:

  • fat cells are destroyed, stagnation of interstitial fluid disappears, cellulite disappears, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic;
  • the sweat and sebaceous glands are cleansed, which in turn removes waste, toxins, salts and urea;
  • metabolism improves;
  • blood renewal occurs;
  • swelling and inflammation are reduced.

When using cupping, skin tone increases, strengthening connective tissue, thereby eliminating sagging areas. Unfortunately, if you are not used to it, you may feel pain during the session. But after several procedures it will be less painful and there will be fewer bruises.

3. Honey.

Tibetan monks, knowing that the abdominal cavity contains vital organs that should not be affected, came up with a simple technique. To perform this, honey is required. This product has amazing properties: it is easily absorbed by the body and is absorbed into the blood not only when consumed orally, but also through the pores. At the same time, honey has a healing effect.

The composition includes many nutrients, thanks to which:

  • there is an effect on the subcutaneous and abdominal fat layer;
  • the skin tightens and becomes elastic;
  • tissues are enriched with oxygen, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Honey self-massage is the most affordable, and also the most effective way to get rid of extra centimeters.

The algorithm for using it is quite simple:

  • You need to warm up the skin to open the pores. It is recommended to do this while taking a hot bath or shower.
  • Massage the problem area with a scrub and then rinse it off.
  • Dry the surface slightly by blotting with a paper towel.
  • Apply a thin layer of honey. After absorption, repeat application.
  • Start massaging your abdomen in circular, zigzag and straight-line movements, but do not stretch.
  • Press your palm tightly against the skin, and then sharply tear your hand away from your stomach. In this way, treat the problem area until it becomes red.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse off the honey with warm water. After this, lightly absorb the water with a towel and apply a moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream.

The session is not recommended to last longer than 20 minutes, and it is better to do this at least every other day.

It is prohibited to use honey massage in a bath or sauna, as this can lead to the formation of many bruises.

It is recommended not to skimp and choose higher quality honey, as the result depends on this. You should not take too much sugar, as it will not be able to penetrate the skin sufficiently and there will be no benefit.

4. Water.

Performing such a massage at home will not be difficult at all, because all you need is a shower and a special nozzle.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • direct the stream onto the stomach;
  • make circular movements with it, while periodically changing the pressure and temperature;
  • After the procedure, apply weight loss or anti-cellulite cream.

Any person can do such a massage, even those who have never dealt with massage. The result will even exceed your expectations. Under the influence of water pressure, the skin becomes toned and tightened; blood circulation and lymph flow improves. In addition, a contrast shower invigorates and, most importantly, gets rid of extra centimeters.

5. Hydromassage at home.

We must not forget that a hydromassage session can last about 20 minutes, while the recommended water temperature is +35...+38 °C. You are strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages or eat heavy foods before the procedure.

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