How to bring down the temperature?

Local therapist


Oksana Evgenievna

Experience 26 years

Local therapist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists

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High temperature is an unpleasant symptom, characteristic of many diseases, and a sure indicator of the presence of a disease. Reducing the reading to normal does not mean being cured, and you also need to know what temperature to lower. It is necessary not only to achieve a decrease in temperature, alleviating the patient’s condition, but also to eliminate the source of the inflammatory process.

To effectively fight the disease, you need the help of a qualified doctor who will determine the cause of the condition, which manifests itself:

  • with chills of varying severity;
  • feeling of loss of strength;
  • headache, aches and pains;
  • increased sweating;
  • arrhythmia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dry lips and skin.

The concept of normal for body temperature

Normal body temperature is considered to be 36.6°C, but this figure can fluctuate. The lowest value is observed in the morning, the maximum in the evening. An increase in temperature is facilitated by eating, drinking alcohol, exercising, stimulating the nervous system, being under the sun, or in a steam room. It is considered normal if a person’s temperature is 36.2°C in the morning and 36.7°C in the evening. A peculiarity of the female body is that the temperature decreases a few days before ovulation and increases when ovulation occurs.

The norm for an adult is considered to be between 35°C and 37°C, for children under 3 years of age – up to 37.5°C. In summary, a temperature of 35°C should not cause panic.

How to measure temperature:

  • if you measure under the armpit, then a value of 36.6°C is considered normal;
  • if in the mouth, then the indicator is half a degree higher;
  • if in the rectum, then to get the result subtract 1 degree from the value on the thermometer.

The range from 37.1°C to 38°C is considered to be above normal. If low-grade fever persists for a long time, measures must be taken. An indicator of 38.1°C is already a high temperature that requires urgent help for the body.

Increased body temperature in an infant

The body temperature of a newborn baby during the first 5 - 7 days of life fluctuates around 37.0, and in some children the body temperature may increase during this period to 38.0 - 39.0. This phenomenon is called transient hyperthermia of newborns. In addition to hyperthermia, hypothermia is even more common in newborns, that is, a decrease in body temperature below normal. Due to the immaturity of brain structures, not only newborn children, but also children of the younger age group up to 3 - 5 years old have a tendency to quickly overheat and quickly become hypothermic. This “volatility” of body temperature is especially typical, of course, for children in the first year of life. Therefore, if, after measuring your baby’s body temperature, you find an increase in body temperature to 37.0 - 37.4 degrees, do not rush to immediately call a pediatrician. It may be enough to measure the body temperature, having previously unswaddled the child, or simply remove the warm blanket from him so that after 15 - 20 minutes the temperature returns to normal.

Another common cause of increased body temperature in the first 1.5 - 2 years of a child’s life is a reaction to teething. We wrote about this problem in a separate article on our website. Let me briefly remind you that the reaction to teething in children is very individual. An increase in body temperature, most often, falls within the range from 37.1 to 37.6 degrees. Increased temperature during teething usually lasts no more than 2–3 days, and in most children does not require the use of antipyretic drugs. However, in some cases, when teething, the child may have a fairly high fever of up to 38.0 and even up to 39.0 degrees. In this case, you cannot do without the use of special anti-inflammatory gels for application to the gums and antipyretics in the form of suppositories (suppositories), for example Nurofen.

Why is it dangerous when the temperature rises above 38°C?

If a high temperature occurs, then this is a sure sign of a sharply worsening pathology. In 99% of cases this is an inflammatory process. If the condition is long-term, it means that the malfunction in the body is serious, so you cannot do without qualified medical care. The patient's body reacts to the infection by stimulating the immune system, accelerating metabolism, producing antibodies, and increasing blood circulation.

At this time, microbes lose activity, but the respiratory and cardiac systems bear an increased load. The nervous system takes a hit, the body loses water. If the condition does not change, the temperature remains, then blood circulation in the internal organs will deteriorate. The most dangerous stage is when the indicator rises above 41°C. Before the doctor arrives, the patient must take antipyretics for fever.

Why is the temperature rising?

Sometimes it seems that a fever appears for no reason. But any inflammatory process can cause this condition. Inflammation can occur due to fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Often, a temperature of 38.5°C is a concomitant symptom, for example, with pain in the ear or throat, against the background of signs of ARVI. Patients are frightened by asymptomatic fever, which is observed:

  • at the early stage of influenza, ARVI - when there are no catarrhal signs yet;
  • with a sore throat - simultaneously with a sore throat;
  • with chickenpox – in the first 2-3 days of illness a fever appears and then a rash;
  • with an abscess - in the fight against pus, temperature peaks are replaced by normal values ​​during the day;
  • for glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis - for inflammation in the kidneys;
  • with appendicitis - often without pain;
  • with hemorrhagic fever - with the bite of wild animals, muscle pain, rash;
  • with encephalitis, meningitis - simultaneously with tension in the neck muscles, if it is impossible to lower the chin to the chest, pain in the head, blurred vision, nausea.

What to do if paracetamol does not bring down the temperature?

The normal temperature for an adult over 18 years of age is approximately 36.6°C. There may be slight deviations in this indicator due to individual characteristics, which is considered normal. There are also daily (decreases in the morning, rises in the evening) and periodic (before and during ovulation in women) temperature fluctuations.

A temperature from 37.1°C to 38°C is considered low-grade. If it persists for a long time or even increases, then measures must be taken. Doctors recommend not lowering the temperature below 38°C, because such an increase is the main sign that the immune system is working and the body is fighting infection.

It is necessary to take paracetamol in order to bring down the temperature at a temperature above 38°C and in individual cases, when even with a low-grade fever the patient feels very unwell and cannot tolerate it.

Of course, your first action during a fever should be to see a doctor. However, if you decide to take paracetamol and it has no effect, this could be due to several reasons.

Why doesn't paracetamol reduce the temperature?

Some people, due to their individual characteristics, may exhibit immunity to this drug, as a result of which the expected therapeutic effect is not observed after taking paracetamol. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will recommend another, more potent antipyretic.

Also, the patient may not be affected by the standard dosage of the drug intended for one dose. This is also determined by the individual characteristics of a person. But if you increase it, the desired result will occur - the temperature will begin to decrease. It is not recommended to increase the dosage without consulting a doctor, as this may adversely affect your health.

Increased body temperature can be observed in oncology and paracetamol is not a means of treating it, without an individual prescription from a doctor. It may not be effective. There are several reasons why fever occurs in cancer. It can appear at the very beginning as an immune reaction to cancer cells. An increase in temperature also occurs due to tumor intoxication during the disintegration of the tumor and the addition of the inflammatory process.

In addition, the reason why paracetamol does not reduce the temperature in an adult may be the simultaneous use of the medication in question and the performance of one of the following actions:

  • taking a hot shower or hot bath;
  • visit to a steam room or bathhouse;
  • use of mustard plasters;
  • the use of alcohol compresses;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages.

You should refrain from these activities during fever and taking paracetamol tablets.

Does paracetamol help with thermoneurosis and what is it?

Paracetamol may not have an effect in another case - with thermoneurosis. Thermoneurosis means an increase in temperature due to a malfunction of higher nervous activity. In many cases, this condition occurs due to stress. Usually the temperature is low-grade.

How to check whether a rise in temperature is caused by inflammatory processes in the body or stress? You need to take an antipyretic and see if the temperature drops. If yes, then the temperature was caused by inflammatory processes, and if not, it is thermoneurosis. This method is called aspirin test , although any antipyretic is suitable, including paracetamol.

During inflammation, the body produces special hormones - prostaglandins - which increase the temperature in the form of an immune response to pathogens. If you drink an antipyretic, it will reduce the production of prostaglandins and lower body temperature to the standard level.

With thermoneurosis, there is no inflammatory process in the body, and the number of prostaglandins does not increase. As a rule, it is stress that provokes thermoneurosis, so antipyretics will not help here.

Interestingly, no drug can lower the temperature below the normal value, since the norm is regulated by the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus.

What to do when paracetamol does not bring down the temperature?

You can resort to one of the following recommendations from medical experts.

3 tips on what to do if paracetamol does not bring down the temperature :

1. You need to consult your doctor. He will collect your medical history and, taking into account your individual characteristics, will recommend an effective medicine. Before taking any drug, you should always consult your doctor.

2. Use of NSAIDs. If paracetamol does not help in the fight against fever, it can be replaced with one of the drugs from the NSAID drug group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These medications have three main effects:

  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic.

The safest of this group is ibuprofen . In addition, mefenamic acid . Before replacing paracetamol with an NSAID, consult your doctor.

3. Increase the dosage of paracetamol. In some individual cases, the standard dosage of the drug does not help a person, but if it is increased, the temperature will decrease. You can take the next dose 4-6 hours after taking the first, and this should be done only after your doctor’s permission. The maximum daily dose is 4 g (4000 mg).

If the doctor recommends taking an NSAID, for example, ibuprofen, then you can drink it only 4-6 hours after taking paracetamol, which turned out to be ineffective.

Also, before taking any drug to treat fever, you need to know for sure whether you are allergic to it. If you have allergic reactions, it is better to refuse the medication.

What should you do if you notice a symptom?

If the patient is either cold or hot, what to do with the temperature? When he gets chills, he should cover himself with a blanket, and when it gets hot, put on dry, light clothes. You can cover yourself with a sheet. The patient's main regimen is bed. If the child does not want to lie down, make sure that he does not engage in too active games, preventing the body from overheating.

It is necessary to ensure that the air in the room is periodically renewed. While airing, the patient can go to another room. You need to constantly replenish fluid reserves in the body by gradually drinking green tea, diluted juices, fruit drinks, and compotes. Water procedures cannot be taken; only wiping adults with a solution of water and vinegar 9% in a 1:1 ratio is allowed. Rubbing yourself with alcohol or cool water can make your fever worse.

Urgently call an ambulance for chills

If the temperature becomes high, it is recommended to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • headache and temperature above 38.5°C, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • stomach pain and fever, especially if there is also vomiting and diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • convulsions, other severe conditions;
  • lack of effect from taking antipyretics;
  • overcoming the mark of 39.5 °C.

The ambulance service of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) in the Central District of Moscow provides medical assistance around the clock in case of emergency. An urgent call to the team can be made by calling +7 (495) 229-00-03.

When should you go to the doctor?

If fever and blood pressure, cough, and aches appear simultaneously, you should not self-medicate. It is recommended to make an appointment with a doctor. JSC "Medicine" (academician Roitberg's clinic) in the center of Moscow invites you to use the services of experienced therapists who will diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. You don’t want to put your health at risk, so make an appointment immediately to prevent complications from developing! The clinic has a modern diagnostic department, laboratories for testing, and a hospital. If the need arises, a full range of medical services can be obtained without leaving the clinic.

What temperature should I lower?

Before you rush to take medications, you need to know what temperature you need to bring down:

In an adult

  • 37°. If the temperature slightly exceeds 37 degrees, there is no need to worry. Rest and do not take any medications under any circumstances, so as not to aggravate the condition.
  • 38° (in special cases). For those who have heart pathologies, thyroid disorders, blood diseases and fever intolerance, the temperature must be reduced, since such a load is detrimental to the body.
  • 38,5°. An increase in temperature up to 38.5 degrees without accompanying symptoms indicates that the body is fighting infection and pathogenic microbes. High temperatures create unfavorable conditions for the life and reproduction of harmful bacteria, which die already at 38°. Antipyretic drugs do not allow the immune system to work at full capacity and cope with the disease on its own. It becomes easier for the pathogen to penetrate inside. Therefore, it is better to refrain from taking medications.
  • 38,5°-39°. At high temperatures, especially if it is accompanied by cough, nausea, cramps and migraines, the fever must be reduced. This is how the body signals that it cannot cope with the pathogen on its own.
  • 39.5° and above. If the temperature has reached its maximum and persists for a long time, it is better to call a doctor. Specialists know better how and with what to bring down a high temperature in an adult or child, so as not to harm the patient’s body.

The child has

In cases with children, the same rule applies as with adults. You cannot weaken the effect of immunity with antipyretic drugs up to 38.5°. No matter how sorry you feel for the child, let him cope with the disease on his own. You should lower the temperature:

  • 37,5°. Children with convulsive syndrome, diseases of the nervous system and weather sensitivity.
  • 37,5°-38°. If the child is very unwell, has severe muscle pain and body aches, then even at a temperature slightly above 37.5 degrees, you can give medications, but before doing so, consult a doctor.
  • 38°. For babies under 1 year of age, fever can be reduced starting from 38 degrees.
  • 38.5° and above. If a child has a strong and prolonged fever that cannot be brought down with home remedies, it is necessary to call a doctor at home or go to an ambulance.

Symptom treatment

To figure out how to bring down the temperature, you need a correct diagnosis. An experienced doctor, based on the results of tests and studies, determines the cause of the fever, prescribes medications, procedures, or refers to a specialist for additional research. The goal is to identify the source of the inflammatory process in order to find the right treatment complex. Treatment for high fever depends entirely on the underlying cause and may include antipyretics, antibiotics, probiotics, etc.

Symptom during pregnancy

The temperature in pregnant women rises above the normal limit due to acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. It can harm the baby, especially if the mother takes medications containing aspirin. Therefore, pregnant women with fever need urgent consultation with a doctor to prescribe the correct dose of medications. If the temperature jump is small, you can take homeopathic remedies prescribed by your doctor.

Along with the tablets in the 1st trimester, you can drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes, and juices. At later stages, drink concentrated herbal infusions, which are not consumed in large quantities to avoid swelling. Decoctions of leaves, raspberries, coltsfoot, plantain, and infusion of white willow bark have healing properties. Rubbing with a vinegar solution helps.

Treatment at home

If you find cold symptoms and a temperature above 37°C and weakness, you can start taking home remedies to support the body. If the value on the thermometer does not exceed 38.5°C and the body feels more or less well, there is no need to lower the temperature. At this time, harmful bacteria die, and the immune system works at full capacity.

However, if the patient’s condition is serious, he does not tolerate the temperature well, it needs to be brought down. At 40°C the blood begins to thicken and coagulate, so you should take antipyretics. In order not to cause negative effects on internal organs, many patients prefer folk remedies with a mild effect.

Folk remedies for fever for children:

  • children's enemas with a soda solution (1 tsp of soda for 1 glass of water) or chamomile decoction;
  • wipe the child’s body with green grape juice;
  • put on socks moistened with a solution of water and vinegar in a 1:1 dilution for 15 minutes;
  • Infants and children under 3 years of age can be briefly wrapped in a wet sheet or towel to relieve the condition.

If the temperature is 39°C or 40°C in adults, it must be brought down:

  • wiping and a cold compress - a cotton cloth is moistened with water at room temperature or a solution of water and vinegar;
  • drinking plenty of fluids - it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body by taking drinking water, freshly squeezed juices or warm herbal infusions, honey water (1 tsp of honey for 1 glass of warm water);
  • fasting - give the body a rest (food is a load), concentrate energy on fighting inflammation.

When does a temperature of 37.5 to 38°C occur without symptoms?

Temperature without symptoms in the range between 37.5-38°C is observed:

  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • viral hepatitis A.

Do not forget about such serious diseases that occur with an increase in temperature, such as:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, other autoimmune processes;
  • endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • syphilis, gonorrhea, genitourinary infections;
  • rubella, measles, other viral infections.

What to do if a fever appears after vaccination?

Fever after vaccination is not always a complication. Often its appearance is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body, pathogens. The immune system receives a load and intensifies the fight against the disease, which occurs in a mild form. How the body will react to the introduction of substances, no physician can make an accurate prediction. Not everyone gets sick after vaccination.

You should remember about contraindications to vaccination and do not vaccinate during or after suffering from infectious diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, allergies, complications from previous vaccination, and other cases that your doctor will remind you about. For a full consultation, you can contact JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg).

How to bring down the temperature and ease the course of the fever

When treating a fever, it is important not only to take the effective medicine prescribed by the doctor, but also to try to alleviate its progression through certain actions.

5 main actions that will help you cope with the disease faster:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. It is best to drink not sweet drinks, but simple purified water. Preference should also be given not to hot water, but to drinks at room temperature.
  2. Ventilation of the room. Very often, colds are accompanied by chills, but this does not mean that you need to close all windows and doors and not ventilate. During ventilation, air circulation is created and the concentration of viruses and bacteria per square meter is reduced. Therefore, even if you are suffering from severe chills, try to open the window for ventilation, and go into another room for this time.
  3. Bed rest. The patient should not suffer from influenza and ARVI on his feet, because complications of the disease may arise and he can infect the people around him. In most cases, in the presence of an elevated temperature and even after taking antipyretic pills, a person’s performance decreases, and he still needs rest. And during rest and sleep, the immune system more actively fights pathogens.
  4. Cotton clothing and bed linen. No synthetic fabrics. When you have a fever, sweating increases, and cotton clothing absorbs moisture well and does not cool the body. As soon as underwear or clothing becomes damp, it needs to be changed.
  5. Taking an effective antipyretic. Paracetamol is considered the safest, but if it does not help, you can consult your doctor and he will prescribe you another remedy.

Take care of yourself, follow the recommendations presented in the article and be sure to seek medical help if you feel unwell.

What medications can you combine paracetamol with? For example, is it safe to take paracetamol and ibuprofen ? Find out the answer to this question from our article.

It turns out that antiviral drugs cannot be combined with antibiotics. However, there is one exception. Read about cases when you can combine antivirals with antibiotics .

Find out more about health at .

How and why to measure basal temperature?

Basal temperature is measured at the moment of awakening. It helps determine the day of ovulation to plan conception and try to determine the sex of the unborn child. Basal thermometry is carried out in the first minutes after sleep, before physical activity. The oral cavity, rectum, and vagina are suitable for measurements. The gynecologists of JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg) in the Central Administrative District will tell you more about the methods for determining the day of ovulation. After consultation, you will be able to plan your pregnancy down to the day, and also try to influence the gender of your unborn baby.

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