Honey for heartburn - will a sweet product help eliminate discomfort?

What is heartburn and why does it happen?

The medical term “gastric heartburn” is a condition in which, after eating, a burning sensation occurs in the epigastric region, which extends from the stomach to the throat, along with abdominal pain, belching, and a sour or bitter taste. Why do we have such unpleasant symptoms? To understand this condition, you need to know how the digestive system works.

In a healthy person, the activity of the pharynx, esophagus and cardinal sphincter (the valve between the esophagus and stomach) is clearly coordinated. The function of the sphincter is to send food from the esophagus to the stomach without delay and to prevent stomach contents from flowing back into the esophagus, even if the person is on his head.

Proper functioning of the valve is very important because it prevents concentrated stomach acid from damaging the esophagus. If the function of the sphincter is impaired and the valve does not close tightly, aggressive gastric juice enters the esophagus, causing the characteristic symptoms of heartburn (burning).

Types of heartburn

Doctors define two isolated types:

  • “Acid” burns to the stomach;
  • Heartburn that is bitter or alkaline.

The first type of heartburn occurs when stomach acid enters the esophagus, in which case a characteristic sour taste appears in the mouth along with a burning sensation. When “bitter” heartburn of the esophagus is caused by bile infiltration enzymes, and pancreatic enzymes, which have an alkaline reaction, cause a bitter, unpleasant taste.

Therefore, before starting treatment for heartburn, it is necessary to determine its type, since drugs in an alkaline or acidic environment have opposite properties. For example, if alkaline heartburn takes medications to reduce acidity, the result will be zero, and the unpleasant symptoms will only worsen.

How to take honey correctly to eliminate unpleasant symptoms

The rules for using honey for heartburn depend on the causes of its occurrence. In cases where the cause of the condition is increased acidity, the product should not be consumed in large quantities on an empty stomach, as this may provoke a painful attack.

Increased acidity is indicated by an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth and severe pain in the stomach. In this condition, the product can be diluted in a glass of warm water or washed down with it.

The amount of product consumed should not exceed one tablespoon. Proper use will help neutralize high acidity and restore the esophageal mucosa.

If the cause of the condition is a low acidic environment of the stomach, the product should be consumed before meals and washed down with cold water, to which you can add lemon. This intake will increase the production of enzymes, preparing the stomach for food intake, and increasing appetite.


Unpleasant excessive salivation, foul-smelling belches, loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. If symptoms associated with gastric disease or lesions of the esophagus predominate, heartburn can be quite intense. There may be concomitant diseases - these are lung diseases complicated by a severe cough.

Persistent heartburn can cause unwanted complications. For example, damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus by aggressive body fluid (hydrochloric acid, concentrated bile), which causes the formation of peptic ulcers of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. In addition, regular entry of stomach contents into the esophagus can cause constant bleeding, caries, inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Causes of heartburn

What factors contribute to bile entering the esophagus or stomach? The main reason is various pathologies of the digestive system, which are caused by disruption of the esophageal sphincter. Reasons for initiating the mechanism of action of the pathology:

  • Wrong diet, mainly fatty, spicy, sweet foods, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, strong coffee, spices and seasonings.
  • Snack on the go, quick food without normal chewing, talking while eating.
  • Chronic stress, bad habits (smoking, alcohol), eating in a horizontal position.
  • Clothes that are too tight (eg skinny jeans, too tight a waistband). All this prevents normal blood circulation, puts pressure on the abdominal organs and complicates the digestive processes.
  • Taking certain medications that irritate the esophagus (NSAIDs, antispasmodics, hormones, antihistamines).

In addition, metabolic disorders, obesity, or pregnancy may cause indigestion. Among the concomitant diseases associated with heartburn, esophageal hernia, acute forms of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers are identified.

How to get rid of stomach burns forever if you want to do it at home? If heartburn is a persistent problem, it is best to consult a doctor and get tested, because this symptom may indicate a serious gastrointestinal disease. In other cases, when there is sporadic heartburn associated with a diet disorder, it is possible to treat it yourself.

How to quickly and effectively get rid of heartburn at home?

What happens if you often experience heartburn in your stomach after eating? What steps do you need to take to avoid feeling like a dragon spitting fire that can burn in one breath? The comfort of home is soothing, you can use simple and affordable methods.

First aid for heartburn

The easiest way to get rid of heartburn is to drink a glass of water.

For heartburn, you can use the following home remedies:

  • Regular drinking water for heartburn caused by gastric reflux will help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and reduce the burning sensation in the esophagus. It is enough to enjoy a glass of hot boiled water to feel faster relief.
  • Drink standing drinking water, do not rush to go to bed quickly after eating. It is better to walk around, either do homework or provide a pleasant walk in the fresh air.
  • Activated carbon. This drug is found in any home. If you experience heartburn, take safe activated carbon tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. It is better to first crush the required number of tablets and drink a mixture of powder with water or milk. Activated carbon is a strong neutralizer of poisons - when passing through the esophagus, it absorbs excess acid and quickly eliminates the burning sensation.
  • Baking soda. The use of sodium bicarbonate is recommended only for rare cases of heartburn. If the characteristic symptoms recur regularly, constant sodium intake may worsen the situation and cause adverse effects on the body. To quickly remove an acid reflux attack, simply dissolve half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water and drink in small sips. The use of soda to relieve heartburn is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension.

Honey for heartburn

Can honey help with heartburn and why do you sometimes get heartburn from honey after drinking it?

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus that occurs when acidic contents from the stomach reflux into the esophagus, as a result of disruption of its sphincters.
Usually appears after eating fried, fatty foods, coffee, chocolate in people with high acidity. Drinking alcohol and smoking also increases acidity and disrupts the functioning of the sphincters. Sometimes there is a mechanical reflux of the stomach contents in healthy people, for example, if after a heavy meal they do active work with bending over, tensing the abdomen, or in pregnant women in the last months, when the fetus props up the stomach. In any case, with heartburn, it is good to determine the cause of its occurrence. Among folk remedies, honey can help with heartburn. It normalizes acidity, lowers high acidity, and increases low acidity. Many will be surprised how it is that the same product has the opposite effect. This feature of honey depends on the rules for its intake.


For treatment, dilute one teaspoon of honey in ½ glass of warm water. Drink in small sips 2 hours before meals, in the morning. Honey contains many active substances, has a beneficial effect on gastric secretions, and heals mucous membranes. Take for a month, repeat after 2-3 months if necessary.

If acidity is low

If the acidity is low, on the contrary, you should take this beekeeping product by dissolving it in hot water, but not in boiling water. Drink 15 minutes before meals. For heartburn, you can take any honey, fresh or dried. It should be taken into account that in a fresh product, fermentation and ripening processes take place for some time after pumping. Therefore, it is better for people with a “weak” stomach to take sweets a few months after pumping. Acacia, sweet clover, and forbs collected in the forest are best suited. Can be used in combination with other useful remedies traditionally used to treat stomach diseases - aloe juice, potato juice, herbal decoctions: chamomile, St. John's wort, calamus root.


This bee product can sometimes cause heartburn itself. Heartburn from honey can occur if there is increased acidity and there is a tendency to get heartburn if you consume honey with hot water, tea or other hot drinks. You can’t heat honey, it will lose its beneficial substances, and hot honey itself will cause heartburn faster. If you like honey, then do not eat more than 100 grams per day, more than that will cause stomach problems. Preventive measures to prevent heartburn: eliminating foods that cause it, reducing food portions (less is better, but more often), quitting smoking and alcohol, losing excess weight.

Advice from a gastroenterologist

If you experience regular heartburn, consult your doctor as soon as possible and look for possible causes. If concomitant diseases are not detected, follow simple recommendations that will help eliminate the symptoms of unpleasant discomfort:

  • Change your diet, refrain from eating fatty, spicy foods, pickles, spices and seasonings, strong coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks. Try not to overeat because overeating increases the likelihood of reflux (lowering of stomach contents into the esophagus).
  • The last meal should take place 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. Do not go to bed immediately after a large dinner or after a day's meal, do not do work that involves bending (mopping, for example). While eating, chew your food thoroughly, do not rush to smoke or drink water.

Maintain the normal balance of water needed by the body. You should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day. Remember that the more water gets into the stomach, the sooner the concentration of hydrochloric acid and the likelihood of heartburn will decrease. During meals, it is recommended to drink hot mineral water without gas.

You should practice oral hygiene that maintains your teeth and prevents gum disease. Visit your dentist's office for regular checkups once every six months. This is an important condition for good health, since heartburn can damage the lining of the esophagus and oral cavity, as a result of which pathogenic microflora can accumulate in the gum pockets, causing inflammation and damage to tooth enamel (caries).

Medicines to treat heartburn

Popular pharmaceutical drugs - antacid agents:

  • Almagel (antacid) - quickly relieves heartburn. Such products have a protective effect and help neutralize the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Maalox is produced in the form of chewable tablets, suspension and gel, so you can choose the most optimal and convenient option for yourself.
  • Phosphalugel
  • The drugs well protect the wall of the stomach and esophagus from harmful factors and eliminate discomfort, relieve heartburn quickly in 10 minutes. Fosfalyugel and Almagel are available in sachets and have a pleasant taste. Take according to instructions, usually after meals or during an attack of heartburn.

In addition, your doctor may recommend the following remedies to relieve heartburn:

  • Chewable tablets Rennie and Gastal
  • Gaviscon
  • Fulling clay

How to choose the right honey for treatment

When choosing honey to treat heartburn, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Honey must be natural. It all depends on what exactly the bees ate. Some beekeepers feed their bees sugar to increase the volume of sweet product, others install hives in environmentally unfavorable areas. Using such a product as a medicine will not help at best, and at worst it can harm your health. The product should be purchased only from trusted beekeepers who follow its production technology.
  • Honey must be mature. Such a product cannot be stored for a long time without sugaring. It crystallizes in the form of a homogeneous mass without separation into liquid and thick fractions. Unripe honey can ferment due to the abundance of water in it. If you are offered to buy liquid linden honey in the fall, then most likely it is a fake and will not have a therapeutic effect.
  • Honey should not have any impurities. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the consistency and the presence of foreign inclusions. Some manufacturers add starch, sweeteners, and molasses to the product to impart a certain taste, color and thickness. A good, high-quality, non-crystallized product has a plastic, viscous structure and flows off a spoon in a thin, even thread. If it falls from the spoon in large drops or pieces, it is a low-quality product.

You should not buy a sweet beekeeping product in a closed container from the store counter. The naturalness of the composition can be determined by smell. A good product has a bright aroma and smells of plants and flowers from which bees collected pollen.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy occurs in every second woman and is considered a physiological norm. In the initial stages, the appearance of a burning sensation is possible after an increase in weight against the background of hormonal changes in the body, and at the end of pregnancy, heartburn occurs due to fetal pressure of the fetus on the internal organs (stomach, liver).

Everyone knows that taking medications while conceiving a child is not recommended, especially since you cannot take medications without a prescription while self-medicating. Therefore, a pregnant woman will have to adapt her diet and eliminate foods that irritate the esophagus and can cause a burning sensation.

Food should be consumed frequently (every 3 hours), but in small portions; the calorie content should be complete, but at the same time light. You need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink low-fat dairy drinks.

Pork fat and lamb meat should be replaced with dietary meat (calf, chicken, rabbit). Low-fat fish and seafood are encouraged. Of course, don't forget about proper fluid intake. You can and should drink still mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, green and herbal teas. A glass of water acidified with lemon perfectly eliminates heartburn. Just squeeze a piece of lemon into a glass of boiled hot water, add a little honey and take the ideal remedy to neutralize discomfort!

You can use milk to combat heartburn. To solve the problem of heartburn, it is recommended to drink hot milk. This product has beneficial properties to neutralize acidity.

You can also use popular heartburn remedies, but only after consulting your doctor. The fact is that many herbs and herbal teas that are used to relieve unpleasant symptoms can increase the tone of the uterus, which poses a threat to a safe pregnancy. Therefore, during pregnancy, in order to use any means, even seemingly completely harmless ones, it is necessary to be under medical supervision.

Treatment at home: pros and cons

Let's say right away: we do not recommend treating heartburn on your own using popular remedies that can be bought in pharmacies without prescriptions. Complete relief from heartburn is possible only after examination by a gastroenterologist and determination of the cause of the disease. The exception is cases when heartburn is caused by errors in the diet. In this case, you can quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptom using the following over-the-counter medications:

  • Gaviscon forte;
  • Almagel;
  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel.

It is better to use products in liquid form - they begin to act faster and their effect lasts longer. You can use medications only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will also tell you what else you can do to treat heartburn at home.

What else is used to get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Most often, alternative medicine is used using products that many people have at home:

  • Baking soda. A pinch of salt is dissolved in water (200 ml) and drunk in small sips;
  • Honey. 1.5 tbsp. dissolve spoons of honey in water or you can simply eat it;
  • Milk. Drink 200 ml of milk in small sips.

Their benefit is very questionable: the elimination of heartburn with their use is most likely due to the placebo effect.

Before choosing a treatment method, you should discuss all necessary examinations with your doctor.

Folk remedies for heartburn

At home, getting rid of the irritating effects of heartburn can be simple and time-tested remedies. These are vegetable and fruit juices, mineral water, herbal teas, honey or regular pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Potato juice

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat heartburn. Raw potato starch has the same properties as many advertisements for expensive heartburn medications. Therefore, during an attack, do not rush to run to the pharmacy to purchase Maalox or Almagel; try to reduce the discomfort by using potato juice.

Take a large potato, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice through multi-layer sterile gauze. Drink the resulting juice immediately after preparation. To eliminate an attack, 200 ml of this juice is enough.

To prevent possible heartburn in the future, it is recommended to drink a glass of potato juice every morning before breakfast. Starch substances protect the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from hydrochloric acid and help neutralize burning and other associated symptoms.

Chestnut honey

It has many therapeutic properties - soothes, eliminates inflammation, has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. In case of digestive disorders accompanied by heartburn, to relieve symptoms, it is enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of drinking or hot mineral water and drink the drink half an hour before meals.

In case of an acute attack of heartburn, it is recommended to take a mixture of honey and aloe juice. This product effectively eliminates heartburn in an alkaline stomach, accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. The medicinal mixture is prepared by mixing 50 g of honey with the same volume of aloe juice and taking this remedy 30 minutes before meals.


A very effective, affordable and safe agent that can be taken even during pregnancy. Buckwheat is boiled in a thick-bottomed saucepan until the mixture turns dark brown.

The buckwheat is then stored in the refrigerator and marshmallows are used to form a powder. To prevent heartburn, take buckwheat powder in very small doses with water before eating.

Herbal decoctions

Excellent remedies to eliminate heartburn; herbal teas prepared with medicinal herbs are recommended. For this purpose, chamomile, St. John's wort, and lemon balm are used. A decoction of mint, caraway or dill leaves has a beneficial effect. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Before use, sunflower or pumpkin seeds are slightly dried. Many patients prefer this method of dealing with unpleasant symptoms because they can always take a handful of seeds with them and eat them throughout the day at the first sign of heartburn. Knowing how to get rid of heartburn quickly at home, you can use other folk remedies, but before using them, be sure to consult your doctor. Be healthy!

How to improve digestion: herbal recipes

Do you want to normalize your stomach and intestines with the help of medicinal plants? We share effective recipes for decoctions and infusions that will help you!

Rosehip decoction for heartburn and heaviness

To prepare you will need the root of the plant:

  • chop 10 g of dried rosehip roots;
  • fill with hot water (2 tbsp.);
  • put on low heat (or better yet, in a water bath);
  • cook for 15 minutes;
  • then leave for 3 hours covered.

It is better to take the product before meals, three times a day. Single dose: 150 ml. Rosehip decoction will not only relieve heartburn, but also restore appetite. It will also improve the efficiency of digestion.

Willow bark decoction for diarrhea

Prepare your diarrhea medicine according to the following instructions:

  • Place 10 g of willow bark in a ladle;
  • pour in 300 ml of boiling water;
  • place in a water bath for half an hour;
  • let sit until completely cool;
  • strain.

Drink the decoction 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Herbal infusion for constipation and cramps

This folk remedy is prepared from a mixture of dried herbs. Save the recipe:

  • put dried herbs in a thermos: 5 g mint, 10 g chamomile, 10 g valerian roots, 5 g fennel seeds;
  • pour in 500 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 2 hours, then strain.

Take half a glass of infusion at night.

Remember: not only your well-being, but also the appearance of your skin depends on the state of your digestive tract. Therefore, we advise you to start drinking herbs as soon as possible!

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