Application of mumiyo

  • Mumiyo: composition and therapeutic effect
  • Forms of preparing mumiyo
  • Use of mumiyo for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes
  • Use of mumiyo for cosmetic purposes
  • Caution in using mumiyo

The resin-like substance mumiyo is very popular not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. Its healing properties and miraculous composition were studied in ancient times, but even to this day, products based on mumiyo are often irreplaceable. There are universal and specific recipes for using mumiyo . The medicine recipe, like any folk one, should be selected to suit the needs of your body, use mumiyo on a regular basis and enjoy the results.

What is mumiyo? When is the use of mumiyo relevant? And what safety measures must be followed?

Mumiyo: composition and therapeutic effect

Mumiyo is an organic-mineral product that accumulates in rock crevices of mountain ranges. The regions of Southern Siberia and Transbaikalia, the Far East, as well as India, Iran, Burma and Indonesia are considered rich in the production of mumiyo.

In nature, mumiyo is found in the form of the so-called raw material - it is a heterogeneous resinous mass of dark brown or brown-black color. Raw mumiyo has a granular texture; these are particles of mineral, plant or animal origin - sand and rock fragments, seeds and wood particles, mummified components of the life activity of mountain inhabitants, insect shells, bones and animal hair. With all these particles, polymerization and mummification processes gradually occur. Shilajit often contains components that are centuries old. In its pure, unprocessed form, one can guess what value mumiyo is, but it is practically unsuitable for use. Before falling into the hands of doctors, mumiyo is cleaned of components potentially dangerous to human life, filtered and not only. All kinds of extracts and squeezes, filtration and evaporation methods transform the raw material into high-quality mumiyo, in which there is no debris, but the entire range of therapeutic and prophylactic qualities is preserved. In appearance, the purified mummy is a thick, homogeneous mass. It is flexible, wrinkles easily, and has a shiny surface. The taste is bitter, the smell is spicy, the color remains the original. Shilajit dissolves in alcohol, oils and, of course, water.

Shilajit that ends up on retail shelves can contain up to 80 components. Its quality is determined by the cleaning method, the region of extraction, and the age of the raw material. The older the substance, the more antibacterial and anticoagulant components it contains. Of the cleaning methods, preference is given to those in which the raw material is not exposed to high temperatures, so as not to lose its beneficial qualities.

The biochemical composition of mumiyo is striking in its diversity. Different types of mumiyo may contain slightly different components, but in general the composition is similar. The use of mumiyo has a multifaceted effect on the human body, since its composition is:

  • amino acids - glutamic and aspartic acids, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, lysine, arginine, valine;
  • fatty acids - oleic, petroselinic, linoleic, linolenic;
  • organic acids - benzoic, adipic, succinic, citric, oxalic, lichen, tartaric;
  • phospholipids;
  • resins and resin-like substances;
  • essential oils,
  • steroids, alkaloids, terpenoids, carotenoids, flavonoids (vitamin P), chlorophyll,
  • enzymes,
  • tannins,
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), C, E, provitamin A,
  • up to 60 macro- and microelements - primarily potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese (20-60% of the mineral part of mumiyo), as well as sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, sulfur, silicon, selenium, chromium, silver, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, etc.;
  • insoluble salts - potash, calcite, lime, dolomite, quartzite, etc.

What is the effect of such a combination of natural substances inherent in the mummy? The use of mumiyo in folk medicine is so widespread that it can produce the following effects on the body:

  • immunomodulatory - increasing the body’s resistance to the negative influences of the external and internal environment, incl. exposure to toxins, carcinogens, pathogenic microflora;
  • antibacterial,
  • antiviral,
  • fungicidal,
  • detoxification,
  • regenerative - enhancing the regeneration of the mucous membrane, cartilage and bone tissue due to the presence of glycine, leucine, arginine in the composition, stimulating the natural synthesis of collagen, vitamins C and E, flavonoids and carotenoids;
  • wound healing - due to the above substances, as well as chlorophyll, zinc, chromium, sulfur, copper, silicon, repair, granulation and epithelization of skin lesions are improved;
  • anti-inflammatory - caused by a noticeable content of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, silicon, selenium, sulfur, cobalt;
  • antiseptic - due to a sufficient content of organic acids, tannins, sulfur and silver; Shilajit is effective against Staphylococcus aureus and pyogenic streptococci, Escherichia coli and enterococci, against pathogens of typhoid, dysentery, diphtheria;
  • anticoagulant - normalizes rheological parameters of blood, regulates the content of leukocytes in the blood; due to the content of iron, manganese, copper, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, it activates the natural production of hemoglobin;
  • antiallergic;
  • analgesic and antispasmodic - in particular relieves neuralgia, joint pain and gouty pain;
  • choleretic - among the substances that improve the functioning of the gallbladder and biliary tract, mumiyo contains phospholipids, amino acids methionine, arginine and threonine, flavonoids, magnesium and organic acids;
  • diuretic.
  • As part of folk remedies, mumiyo can be used both internally and externally. Shilajit can be used by children and pregnant women, however, after thorough consultation with a specialized doctor on the disease that has arisen.

    The use of mumiyo is recommended for persons diagnosed with:

    • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
    • dermatological diseases and skin damage;
    • diseases of the teeth and oral cavity;
    • diseases of the digestive tract, liver, gall bladder, pancreas;
    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
    • respiratory tract diseases;
    • ENT diseases;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • diseases of the visual apparatus;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • disturbances of hormonal levels and immune status;

    Shilajit can be used for difficult-to-treat diagnoses such as infertility and oncology. However, it is necessary to understand that this is just a healing mineral substance that supplies the body with the components it contains, and not a magic pill. Therefore, in case of such serious diseases, rationally assess the potential benefits of mumiyo and consult a doctor about treatment strategies.

    Forms of preparing mumiyo

    The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of medicines containing mumiyo, but the concentration of this substance in them is unlikely to be high. Therefore, craftsmen buy mumiyo in its pure form (powder or sticks) in pharmacies and prepare many dosage forms from them.

    To use mumiyo directly against a disease, it is given various forms. Of course, this substance is also used in its pure form, in particular internally.

    To prepare an aqueous solution of mumiyo you need:

    • prepare ½ liter of water - boil distilled water for 15 minutes and cool to 70 °C;
    • add 5 grams of powdered mummy to the water (buy in this form or crumble a block);
    • leave for 24 hours;
    • filter, bring to the original volume - ½ liter.

    To prepare an alcohol solution of mumiyo you will need:

    • prepare 100 ml of alcohol - you need to dilute medical alcohol (96°C) with water in a ratio of 1:5 or vodka (40°C) with water in a ratio of 1:1;
    • add 10 grams of powdered mummy to 60-70 ml of alcohol; send the mixture into a dark glass bottle that is well sealed;
    • leave the container to infuse in a dark, cool place for 7 days; shake occasionally;
    • after a week, filter into another container, and add the remaining alcohol to the residual mass and leave to infuse in the same dark bottle for another 4 days;
    • after 4 days, combine the filtered infusion with the first one and leave for another day in a cool place;
    • The output should be 100 ml of tincture, ready for use.

    To prepare mummy ointment you need:

    • it is necessary to prepare a homogeneous paste from 5 grams of mumiyo and a few drops of distilled water;
    • Without ceasing to stir, gradually add softened animal fat, for example lard, in an amount of 45 grams, into the pulp;
    • It is necessary to grind the components until the ointment becomes so homogeneous that when rubbed with two fingers, no grains remain on the skin.

    To prepare a glycerin solution of mumiyo you need:

    • Place 10 grams of mumiyo, 100 ml of distilled water, 100 ml of glycerin in a small saucepan, stir;
    • Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for half an hour;
    • leave in a cool place for one day;
    • after the allotted period, the insoluble sediment of the mumiyo will remain at the bottom, the liquid must be filtered;
    • bring the resulting solution to the original volume (200 ml) with the same equal ratio of water and glycerin; The result should be a dark brown liquid, sweetish in taste and with a pronounced smell of mumiyo.

    If you are interested in using mumiyo in the form of suppositories (or suppositories), follow the recipe:

    • mix 2.5 g of powdered mummy with a few drops of water to obtain a paste-like mass;
    • add 150 grams of warm cocoa butter to the resulting slurry and mix well;
    • when the mass has cooled and hardened, it is necessary to form small balls or rods from it (in the shape of candles);
    • candles of the correct consistency should be homogeneous, without lumps, melt at the temperature of the human body; To achieve this consistency, it is possible to add 2 g of anhydrous lanolin to the product before hardening.

    Shilajit oil solution is best prepared using peach or rose oil.

    For cosmetic purposes, masks, creams, shampoos, and scrubs containing mumiyo are used. Fantasy is not limited to anything here.

    Use of mumiyo for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

    Prevention, and even more so treatment of diseases, must be discussed with a professional physician and carried out according to the strategy described by him. Shilajit, although considered a traditional medicine, is appreciated by medical practitioners, and therefore can be included in the list of medications prescribed to the patient. Here are examples of recipes for using mumiyo for some common diseases.

    Skin diseases and injuries

    For purulent inflammations and boils the following is prescribed:

    • 0.2 grams of mumiyo orally before bed, washed down with shungite water;
    • lotions from a 5-10% mummy solution.

    For eczema and psoriasis the following is prescribed:

    • 0.2 grams of mumiyo orally before bed, washed down with shungite water;
    • lotions from a 2% solution of mumiyo for half an hour in the morning and evening.

    For the healing of wounds and postoperative sutures, the following is used:

    • a solution of 5 grams of mumiyo in 300 ml of boiled water;
    • During the day, drink a solution of 5 grams of mumiyo in 400 ml of water in small portions, washed down with freshly squeezed juice or milk.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    For rheumatic diseases:

    • Dissolve 0.5-0.8 grams of mumiyo in 70-100 ml of vegetable oil; apply internally or topically.

    For joint pain:

    • Dissolve 0.5 grams of mumiyo in 100 grams of liquid honey; apply as compresses at night;
    • 0.2 grams of mumiyo orally an hour before meals.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system

    For thrombophlebitis:

    • take 0.3 g mummy twice a day;
    • Apply a 20% solution of mumiyo in peach oil or Vaseline to painful areas of the skin.

    For hypertension:

    • dissolve 0.2 grams of mumiyo in a decoction of motherwort, dried wild rosemary, wild rosemary (3:3:2); for preparing the decoction 1 tbsp. collect for 10 minutes, infuse in a water bath in a glass of boiling water, filter after another 3 hours; The medicine is taken three times a day, 1/3 cup, half an hour before meals.

    Boosting immunity and respiratory infections

    General strengthening agents:

    • add 0.2 grams of mumiyo, 1 tbsp each, to a glass of hot distilled water. bee honey, freshly squeezed plum and pomegranate juice; in a separate container mix 1 tbsp. orchis root with 100 ml of warm homemade wine, leave for 3 hours, strain; pour wine into the first liquid, also filter; using mumiyo in this form twice a day, 100 ml, is very effective;
    • squeeze the juice from three medium lemons, add to it 100 grams of crushed aloe leaves and 5 grams of mummy crushed into powder; mix thoroughly and leave for 24 hours, filter; take 1 tbsp. medications three times a day.

    For influenza and ARVI:

    • Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in 100 ml of water; use as a gargle three times a day;
    • for cough syrup, grind 3 tbsp. flaxseed, add a liter of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes and strain; add 5 grams of licorice root, 30 grams of anise fruit, 400 grams of natural honey, and 0.5 grams of mumiyo; heat over the fire, but do not bring to a boil, strain; take ½ glass twice before meals.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    Mumiyo, of course, is taken orally. There is no need to carry out any special manipulations with the substance. It is enough to dissolve the powder in a ratio of 1:20 with milk or any juice. Take twice a day half an hour before meals, and also on an empty stomach. Helps, for example, with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, colitis and diseases of the biliary system.

    For the treatment and prevention of the disease, the use of mumiyo is carried out in several courses with equal breaks between them. You should check with your doctor for details.

    Recipes for using mumiyo for stomach and duodenal ulcers

    1. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers according to A. Shakirov : mumiyo is taken orally 0.1 g 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 18-24 days. Positive results were achieved in 95% of patients; the rest, thanks to this method, got rid of exacerbation.

    2. You can take mumiyo orally on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day, 0.1 g for 25 days, if necessary, repeat the course no earlier than 10 days later. Before use, dissolve the mummy in milk in a ratio of 1:200.

    3. Treatment of stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastritis , colitis ): dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in 150 ml of warm boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon of solution orally in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. After a five-day break, repeat. For exacerbations, one course is enough, but to get rid of a chronic disease or significantly mitigate its course, you will need 3-4 courses.

    4. Mumiyo with milk . First you need to calculate the amount of the drug you need. The amount for one-time use depends on body weight: up to 70 kg - 0.2 g, 80 kg - 0.3 g, up to 90 kg - 0.3-0.4 g, more than 90 kg - 0.4-0.5 d. You need to dilute the specified amount in hot milk: proportion 1:20 (2-3 tablespoons), add honey to taste, or alternate the diluted medicine with juices (grape, cucumber), herbs of parsley, blueberries, cumin, and egg yolks. The required amount of mumiyo extract for 1 course of treatment is 0.2-0.5 g - 10-25 g.

    5. Calculation of the amount of the drug: 0.25 g of mumiyo per 1 kg of patient’s weight for the entire course of treatment, for example: for 50 kg of a person’s body weight, take 12.5 g for the entire course of treatment. Take 14 days in a row 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. Total approximately 0.29 g per dose. Follow a strict diet during and after treatment for at least 15 days. After a ten-day break, repeat the course, drinking 3-4 courses in total. Alcohol is strictly prohibited while taking the drug!

    6. Treatment regimen for gastric and duodenal ulcers, intestines of Professor Kozlovskaya . The course of treatment is 29 days. A course of treatment requires 50 g of mumiyo. Dissolve 10 g of the substance in 1.5 liters of water. Take according to the following scheme: 10 days, 1.5 tablespoons of solution before meals, 10 days, 1 tablespoon before meals, 9 days, 1.5 tablespoons after meals. After completing the full course, stomach pain disappears, weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances disappear, restoration processes in the glands begin, the vulnerability of the mucous membrane decreases, wounds and ulcers heal.

    Other recipes using mumiyo

    1. Ingredients: mumiyo - 25 g, flower honey - 0.5 kg, olive oil - 0.5 l, juice of 2 medium-sized lemons. Mix the ingredients in a two-liter enamel or glass container, store in a cool place, and stir with a wooden spoon before use. Take 2 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon without top. Excruciating pain in the stomach usually goes away on the 4-5th day of use. The course lasts 2 months, the break between courses is 3-4 weeks. This is a folk recipe , not tested in clinical settings, but of all the remedies for treating stomach and duodenal ulcers it is considered the most effective. It is good to combine it with taking chemical medications, as it simultaneously has a beneficial effect on the liver. It is useful to repeat a two-week course of treatment with this composition, regardless of whether pain is felt or not, annually in late autumn and early spring, when the body is weakened and needs help.

    2. If ulcerative processes occur against the background of low acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, you should use a recipe for a multi-herbal collection with mumiyo . Take dried herbs in equal quantities: plantain leaves, wormwood herb, peppermint herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, St. John's wort herb, calamus root, sage herb, dandelion root, aralia root. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture into one glass of water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of a 5% aqueous solution of mumiyo and leave them together for 45 minutes, then strain. Bring the volume of infusion to one glass with boiled water. Take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. Helps with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with reduced secretion. The course of treatment is 25-28 days. Repeat after 10 days at an advanced stage of the disease.

    3. Mix 0.5 kg of honey , 0.5 kg of butter and 10 tablespoons of nut oil with mumiyo (100 g of peeled walnuts, pour 1 liter of flaxseed or sunflower oil, add 25 g of mumiyo , mix, leave for 2 weeks in a sealed container , shaking from time to time). Take the mixture on an empty stomach 2 times a day according to the usual regimen.

    4. Pour 100 g of aloe juice into an enamel or glass bowl, add 200 g of olive oil, honey to reduce bitterness, and cook until thick on the lowest heat for about an hour. For every 100 g of balm, add 1 teaspoon of mumiyo tincture with alcohol. Use the balm after meals 2 times a day, morning and evening, 2-3 tablespoons. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom side shelf.

    5. For 3 weeks, take 30-45 g of bee honey (preferably different varieties) daily in 0.5 cups of warm boiled water in the morning and evening, 2 hours before meals. Then the main treatment is carried out with juice from fresh cabbage. On the 1st and 2nd days you should drink 0.5 cups of cabbage juice, and in the next 12 days - a glass of cabbage juice in the morning 30 minutes before meals. If after this the ulcer does not heal, you need to take a break for 10 days. Then repeat the course of treatment.

    6. Chop and crush fresh cabbage in an enamel or glass bowl, squeeze out the juice. Take mumiyo according to the fifth scheme , mixing with cabbage juice in the amount of 1 - 1.5 glasses per dose. After finishing treatment, continue drinking several glasses of cabbage juice a day for 10 days.

    7. For the treatment of several diseases of the digestive tract (diarrhea, colitis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer), an infusion is prepared from alder cones. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials, place them in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter and add 1 tablespoon of aqueous infusion of mumiyo . Take 25 g 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    8. 100 g of aloe juice, 0.5 kg of crushed walnut kernels, 300 g of honey and 100 g of mumiyo alcohol tincture . Mix the ingredients and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    9. A solution of honey helps with peptic ulcers : dilute 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablet of mumiyo (0.2 g) in a glass of water at room temperature. The course of treatment is 3 months.

    bleeding begins against the background of a stomach and duodenal ulcer The same composition is prescribed for catarrh of the stomach with reduced secretion, and for anemia. If there is a suspicion of a malignant course of the disease, this remedy must be discontinued.

    11. For acute and chronic diarrhea, gastritis, as well as for cystitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, use mummy dissolved in blueberry infusion of fresh or dried berries. The infusion is prepared coldly in a ratio of 1:20, infusing the berries for 8 hours, then mummy is added to the infusion at the rate of 0.2 g per 200 g of infusion. Take 2 times a day.

    12. Pour 450 g of high-quality vodka into a glass bottle with a wide neck. Pour in 1 tablespoon of chopped galangal (cinquefoil) roots, 1 tablespoon of thyme, 1 bud of culinary cloves, 1 teaspoon of forest mint (peppermint or lemon balm are not suitable), 1/3 of a large allspice pea, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 5 g mummy . Seal the bottle tightly and shake. Leave for up to 9 days in a cool place, shaking every day. On the tenth day, shake and pour into another container, straining. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture before breakfast. The balm not only normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also acts as an aperitif. However, its therapeutic effect is insignificant, so it is best to take the balm in the period between exacerbations as a prophylactic agent.

    The preventive use of mumiyo for peptic ulcer disease is possible in combination with compliance with hygienic standards of work, life and nutrition, abstinence from smoking and drinking alcohol, then prevention will give results. It is recommended to carry out 1-2 courses of treatment according to the regimen chosen by the doctor in the fall and spring, during the period of natural risk of exacerbations.

    Patients should be constantly monitored for 3-5 years after recovery, even if no exacerbations have occurred.

    Use of mumiyo for cosmetic purposes

    Shilajit is very often included in cosmetics prepared at home.

    Shilajit cleansing face mask

    • melt 1 tsp in a water bath. honey, add a pea-sized amount of mummy; when a substance of homogeneous consistency is formed, cool it slightly so that it is comfortable to apply to the face; Apply in an even layer, rinse with running water after 15-20 minutes;

    Hair strengthening and growth product

    • Dissolve 5-7 grams of powdered mummy in ¾ glass of water; add 1.5 tbsp. honey, a few drops of sea buckthorn oil; Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and hair half an hour before regular shampooing;

    Rejuvenating full body bath

    • Dissolve 5 grams of mumiyo in ½ liter of warm boiled water, pour the solution into a bath of water up to 40°C; take a bath before bed for 20-30 minutes, and then do not flush the water, but use the same bath in the morning, adding a little hot water.

    Shilajit for stretch marks

    • Mix 5 grams of mumiyo with a teaspoon of distilled water boiled for 15 minutes, stir well so that there are no lumps; take any body cream you are used to using (100 grams) and mix with the resulting paste, leave for 15 minutes and you can use it on a regular basis.

    Recommended course of treatment for mumiyo for gastritis

    The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days. When repeating the course, take a 7-day break. We recommend using only natural Altai mummy in whole form or in capsules. Capsules will be preferable for internal use.

    Directions for use and dosage:

    1. Mumiyo in capsules. Take 2 capsules 3 times daily with water
    2. Whole (liquid) mummy. Dissolve 0.5 grams (½ pea) in a glass of cool water, take 3 times a day.
    • For gastritis with low acidity - 30 minutes before meals
    • With normal acidity - at least 1 hour before meals
    • If elevated – 1.5 before meals

    Within a week of taking it you will feel relief . The pain will subside, nausea, heartburn and vomiting will disappear. Enhanced restoration of the epithelium of the gastric mucosa will begin, inflammation will disappear , sleep and appetite . However, we should not forget that mumiyo is often counterfeited, and pharmacies often sell it in tablets. We talked about why you shouldn’t buy the tablet version in the article “Mummy in tablets. What are pharmaceutical manufacturers keeping silent about?”

    Avicenna called mumiyo the most perfect medicine, capable of working miracles. Try taking the recommended course of mumiyo for gastritis and forever forget about the pain and daily torment of your stomach.

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