Choosing the best remedy for colic for newborns: TOP 7 rating, composition, reviews, price

Pediatricians say it's normal for babies under three months to show their displeasure by crying, especially after 6 p.m. However, all parents want their baby to have everything he needs and to cry as little as possible for one reason or another. The usual methods of calming are used: feeding, swaddling, rocking, rocking in a crib. If even after this the baby is dissatisfied with something, then perhaps he belongs to that fifth of all babies who suffer from colic. During them, the baby experiences discomfort in the tummy due to the accumulation of gases in it. How to calm a colicky baby? What is their reason? Read on!

Types of products and composition

All remedies for infant colic should be divided into four types:

  1. Natural herbal carminatives - most often they are suitable to prevent the occurrence of colic, since they contain natural herbs and essential oils, and therefore are used even before they begin.
  2. Enzyme preparations - they contain enzymes lipase, amylase, protease that break down food substances.
  3. Preparations with a probiotic , which allows you to cope with a disorder in the intestinal microflora of a newborn, which is also a common cause of colic, because their intestines are extremely vulnerable in the first months of life.
  4. Products based on simethicone are used to relieve an attack of colic that has already begun, thanks to the elimination and removal of gases in the intestines.

Let's look at the best remedies to combat colic below.

2 Babynos


The drug perfectly relieves the still unformed digestive system of the baby from unpleasant sensations. Doctors usually prescribe 3 drops therapy. This dose is enough to effectively soothe the intestinal pain of a newborn. The majority of the medicine contains herbal ingredients. Chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Thanks to it, digestion is normalized in the baby’s body. Fennel fights colic and bloating, and coriander helps relieve inflammation.

According to reviews, the product has earned the love of many parents and has become the best for some. Some people notice that the drug formula contains alcohol, but pediatricians assure that such a small dose is safe. When it comes to the health of your baby, you need to pay attention to all factors. Therefore, the drug should not be taken if the child has an allergy to any medications. Herbal extracts can negatively affect an unformed body.

Rating of the TOP 7 best anti-colic remedies for newborns

The top seven included:

  • Dill water.
  • Espumisan L.
  • Lactazar.
  • Bifiform baby.
  • Plantex.
  • Bobotik.
  • Baby Calm.

Let's talk about all the drugs in more detail.

Dill water

The product is excellent for preventing colic attacks. It is enough just to give the concentrate before each meal and you will forget about the problem of colic. In addition to its main function, water has antimicrobial properties and can improve the baby’s digestion.

Release formconcentrate
Begins to act, min10
Volume, ml50
Age, months0-6

Price: from 150 to 220 rubles.

  • natural composition (essential oil or fennel extract, vitamin B1, glycerin).
  • unable to stop an attack that has already occurred.

Many said: you shouldn’t even try dill water - it doesn’t help the child at all and it’s better to take something more effective. But I decided to try and was right. Dill water suited us very well. The concentrate is easy to dilute using the syringe included, and the child liked the solution itself and the problem of colic never arose, so I can safely advise young mothers not to be afraid of the natural drug.

Espumisan L

A drug based on simethicone, which is not absorbed but is excreted unchanged from the child’s body, eliminating bloating and gas formation. The drug is excellent for use as a preventive measure against colic and to stop acute attacks.

Age, months0-24
Release formemulsion
Onset of action, min2
Volume, ml40

Cost: 373 – 450 rubles.

  • fast action (within 2 minutes);
  • possibility of stopping acute attacks.
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

We were able to overcome a period of unbearable infant colic thanks to Espumisan. An excellent drug, it acts quickly, helps the child and is not absorbed in the intestines. The baby was able to develop calmly and explore the world with a smile, without being distracted by abdominal pain.


The capsules are intended for children suffering from colic and constipation due to lactase deficiency and are used to treat disorders of intestinal motility. It is well absorbed and prevents colic.

Begins to act, min5
Release formcapsules
Age of use, months0-12
Volume, pcs.50

Price tag: from 400 to 520 rubles.

  • suitable for children with lactase deficiency;
  • used as a treatment for intestinal motility.
  • Not suitable for use during colic that has already begun.

My son was diagnosed with lactase deficiency and therefore was bothered by severe pain in his tummy and the doctor advised him to take Lactazar. We felt the effect immediately when the child, exhausted by abdominal pain, slept all night. I can’t even imagine how we would have gotten through this period without this wonderful drug. I can confidently recommend it to children and their parents with the same problem.

Bifiform baby

The probiotic is suitable for children from the first days of life to prevent colic and tummy problems. Helps normalize the microflora of newborns. Pursuing the goal of establishing proper bowel function, one dose per day is enough.

Onset of action, min7
Volume, ml6,9
Age, months0-6
Release formoil solution

Price: 450 – 590 rubles.

  • One dose per day is enough;
  • helps the development of the baby's immune system.
  • used as a preventive measure.

I knew about the problem and studied it even before the birth of the child. I immediately decided that I would not use various drugs, but would use folk methods, but my grandmother’s remedies alone were not enough and even dill decoction did not help. My husband and I decided to try a probiotic and were not disappointed. The drug copes well with our baby's colic, allowing him to sleep peacefully at night.


Herbal medicine based on fennel fruit prevents pain and is not addictive. To prepare a solution for a day, one sachet is enough, and this corresponds to 2-3 doses of the finished drug.

Volume, gr.150
Release formgranules
Begins to act, min8
Age of use, months0-2

Cost: 580 – 700 rubles.

  • is not addictive;
  • easy to prepare (dissolve the contents of the sachet in 100 ml of water).
  • not suitable for children with galactose malabsorption syndrome.

We tried many different drugs specializing in the fight against colic, and Plantex was the one that suited us best. We take the drug according to a prophylactic regimen, that is, before each feeding and at night. We completely forgot about the problem, we sleep peacefully at night and nothing prevents our daughter from fully developing throughout the day. I can confidently recommend the drug to all parents and their children.


A very effective product based on simethicone. It reduces pain in the intestines and the amount of gases, is not absorbed into the blood and is not addictive.

Age of use, months1-6
Volume, ml30
Onset of action, min2
Release formdrops

Price tag: from 260 to 390 rubles.

  • not absorbed into the blood;
  • Suitable for treating an attack that has already begun.
  • not suitable for children under one month old.

Quite pleasant drops with a raspberry scent. We purchased the drug on the recommendation of a doctor; before that we took another drug, but it turned out to be not so effective and after a month we switched to Bobotik. The difference was noticeable from the first use. The drug does not have to be taken as a prophylaxis; in our case, stopping the attacks is enough, which the drug does very well, although the previous drug was given before each feeding. My wife and I can confidently recommend an effective and fast-acting medicine.

Baby Calm

A herbal preparation based on oil extracts that promotes the breakdown of nutrients, preventing them from turning into gases and causing colic.

Release formsolution
Age of use, months0-12
Begins to act, min10
Volume, ml15

Cost: 300 – 370 rubles.

  • herbal composition (concentrated oils - dill, anise and mint, glycerin);
  • not addictive.
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

The product is based on natural essential oils and this is what became the main thing when choosing a drug. We immediately told our pediatrician that we would be taking natural-based medications and she offered to try several remedies to choose from. Of all of them, Baby Calm was the perfect choice for us. The child is no longer bothered by terrible stomach pains and he began to sleep peacefully and for quite a long time at night, and therefore we began to get enough sleep. Now there is a good mood at home, and our baby has begun to delight us with his smile more often.

When and why colic may begin in a newborn

Colic usually appears two to three weeks after birth. In 95% of cases [2], these are functional disorders, that is, no serious pathology lies behind them. The problem is the immaturity of the baby’s digestive tract, which bears a huge burden in the first months of life. In addition, not enough enzymes are produced to digest food, which can lead to increased gas formation, and the nervous regulation of the body’s activities is not established, which is why spasms are possible. If the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly, grasping only the nipple, he may actively swallow air during feeding, which can subsequently also cause intestinal pain. A relatively rare cause of colic can be intolerance to any foods eaten by the mother, or transient lactase deficiency (inability to absorb milk sugar).

But pediatricians believe that the most important reason causing colic in a baby is dysbiosis - an imbalance between intestinal microorganisms.

For normal digestion, a person needs bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the so-called normal intestinal microflora. They produce substances that regulate motility and are necessary for proper bowel function, and also perform many other useful functions, including stimulating the immune system. The baby is born with sterile intestines. He receives a certain amount of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli while passing through the birth canal, and then during the process of breastfeeding. In the very first days of life, the baby comes into contact with many microorganisms, both beneficial and opportunistic.

Opportunistic microorganisms are called opportunistic because they do not cause disease under normal conditions, but can lead to intestinal dysfunction if there are more of them than beneficial flora.

Over time, if the baby eats properly, that is, breast milk or a balanced formula, beneficial bacteria in his intestines multiply to normal quantities and begin to suppress the activity of opportunistic flora. At the same time, the body’s nervous regulation system, including the digestive system, also matures. These processes last for about three months, which is why many parents note that at three months the baby seems to have been replaced - colic can disappear almost instantly.

But before that, due to the altered microbial balance, the digestion process and the regulation of normal motor skills are disrupted, and the child suffers from both excess gas and spasms. This condition can be aggravated by reasons such as:

  • prematurity;
  • past infections;
  • taking antibiotics, including by a nursing mother;
  • late breastfeeding;
  • artificial feeding.

All these factors contribute to the development of dysbiosis and, as a consequence, the occurrence of colic.

Symptoms: how to tell if your baby has colic

The first two weeks of a baby’s life, as a rule, pass quietly: most of the time the newborn sleeps, waking up only to eat. Problems begin around the third week of life.

During the day everything was as usual, but in the evening the baby suddenly starts crying for no apparent reason. His tummy swells, his legs press tightly to his stomach, his face turns red. Attempts to give breastfeeding to soothe do not lead to success: the child takes a few sips, throws the nipple and begins to cry even more. This continues for several hours until the baby finally passes gas or has a bowel movement. After this, the baby calms down and falls asleep almost instantly. The next day he behaves as usual - until the evening, when everything starts again.

Pediatricians believe that we can confidently talk about colic if such attacks begin in the third week of life and last at least three hours each time.

What to do if your newborn has colic

First of all, you need to make sure that the baby sucks correctly and captures not only the nipple, but also the areola - the nipple circle. If this is not the case, you need to lightly press your finger on the baby’s chin so that he reflexively opens his mouth and grasps the breast correctly. If you can’t retrain your baby on your own, you can contact a breastfeeding specialist - they are available in most large cities.

Comparison table of characteristics

Among the wide variety of drugs, it is difficult for young parents to choose the only right drug, so for comparison, let’s look at the seven best in the table below.

A drugOnset of action, minRelease formAge of use, monthsprice, rub.
Dill water10concentrate0-6150 – 220
Espumisan L2emulsion0-24373 – 450
Lactazar5capsules0-12400 – 520
Bifiform7oil solution0-6450 – 590
Plantex8granules0-2580 – 700
Bobotik2drops1-6260 – 390
Baby Calm10solution0-12300 – 370

1 Plantex


Plantex is a representative of phytotherapeutic drugs that are safe for newborns. The product is intended to stimulate the digestive system and reduce the formation of gases in the intestines in children from birth to 4 years of age. Release form: granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. Eliminates pain. Contraindicated in case of lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, glucose malabsorption syndrome.

According to network users, the product demonstrates the best effectiveness in children who are bottle-fed rather than breastfed. For newborns, the optimal daily dosage is 1.5 sachets, divided into three doses. The drug is taken between meals or at the end of a meal. To prepare, the contents of the sachet are filled with liquid in a volume of 100 milliliters. Stir until the granules are completely dissolved.


  • safety;
  • effectiveness;
  • ease of dilution of the composition.


  • contraindications;
  • high price.

Best lists

In addition to excellent drugs, the best in their categories should be highlighted:

  • The best on a natural basis.
  • Probiotic.
  • The best based on simethicone.

Let's move on to the description of the presented categories.

The best on a natural basis

Babinos undoubtedly wins in this nomination . A herbal carminative based on herbs which includes extracts of coriander and fennel seeds and chamomile flowers. The remedy is taken not only for the sake of prevention, like other natural remedies, but also for the purpose of treating spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Price: from 250 to 440 rubles.


Acipol baby is the best among probiotics. A special balanced complex helps prevent colic in babies, normalizes microflora in the oral cavity and improves the child’s immunity. Ideal from the first days of life. A special pipette makes the dosing process easier.

Cost: from 390 to 557 rubles.

The best based on simethicone

The most effective remedy with simethicone is Sab Simplex. It contains simethicone in combination with silicon dioxide, and the suspension form makes it easier to take. Taking the drug three times a day is enough, and in case of severe attacks, an additional dose should be taken at night.

Price tag: from 235 to 380 rubles.

2 Bobotik


Bobotik is a carminative, produced in the form of drops. This drug is well known to most users. In comparison with other drugs in the segment, it is the optimal combination of price and quality. The emulsion is indicated for increased gas formation and in preparation for diagnostic procedures in the abdominal cavity. Reduces flatulence. Contraindicated for children under 1 month of age. Also, the drug is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to simethicone and other components of the composition. There is a risk of allergic reactions.

For infant colic, the drug is taken orally after feeding, after shaking the bottle. Dosage – 8 drops 4 times a day. You can mix the emulsion with cool boiled water or baby food.


  • the best combination of price and quality;
  • the most popular remedy.


  • lack of measuring cap;
  • contraindicated during the first month of life.

How to use correctly

The correct use of the drug is indicated in the instructions for use, but all drugs for infants in the first months of life have several rules in common:

  • improves the fight against colic by taking the product before meals;
  • together with the use of the drug, you need to perform gymnastics and massage the tummy;
  • If you feed your baby formula, you need to warm it up to body temperature so as not to cause intestinal spasms.

The main condition for taking any drug aimed at eliminating colic in a baby is a consultation with your doctor. It is he who will tell you which drug is best to try for the first time and tell you how to take it. It is not permissible to take any medications without consulting a doctor.

Colic in a child: how to help a baby with pain

Many parents experience colic in one way or another: according to pediatricians, every sixth family consults a doctor about colic in a newborn [1]. Experienced parents know that by three to four months the problem will disappear. But you have to get through the first time somehow: nightly “concerts” can wear down the strongest nerves. Read our review to find out how to make life easier for your baby and his parents.

1 Lactazar


The formula of the drug tries to combat undigested protein. Lactase is the key component that is best responsible for getting rid of colic in the intestines. It helps break down protein in the intestines and digest it better. Thus, the baby gets rid of discomfort after feeding. The medicine is considered a dietary supplement. According to the manufacturers, it does not cause harm to the newborn, since it only interacts with mother’s milk.

The drug is recommended to be used before each feeding. The contents of the capsule are diluted in warm milk or water, then given to the child and feeding continues. Reception can be started from the first day of life. It is advised to abandon Lactazar if the child has individual lactose intolerance. Reviews report that the product is very effective, inexpensive and effective, and can also be used for bloating in adults. However, it is not always convenient to use due to the capsules that need to be opened and mixed.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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