abdominal pain
Techniques for performing therapeutic massage to restore the pancreas with pancreatitis
Correctly performed therapeutic massage of the pancreas for pancreatitis improves the well-being of the sick person by reducing
Gastrointestinal diseases: where and how to treat
In order to maintain all life processes, a person needs energy. We take it from
Causes of pain in the right side during pregnancy
What organs are located on the right side of the abdomen? What can hurt? Contents of the article “Belly” -
A Novosibirsk man almost died after swallowing a piece of glass on an airplane
What happens if you eat glass What happens inside a person if he accidentally swallows glass
What diseases can a white coating on the tongue indicate?
Since ancient times, doctors in different countries have diagnosed various
To relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, doctors often prescribe drugs such as Almagel or Maalox
Maalox or Almagel: what is better and how these antacids differ
To relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, doctors often prescribe drugs such as Almagel or
Treatment of tubular adenoma of the colon
Home » Intestinal adenoma » Tubular adenoma of the colon What is tubular villous adenoma
how many children suffer from colic
Colic in a newborn: what to do, symptoms, treatment (Dr. Komarovsky)
Diseases of the stomach and intestines in young children are among the most severe
Phytotherapy. Medicinal plants against cancer.
Unconventional cancer treatment using oncolytic viruses and advanced radiation technologies
Important rules in the treatment of oncology What is the peculiarity of these “live” pharmaceutical agents? For
Colostomy: what it is and how it affects a person’s life
Colostomy is a surgical intervention that consists of creating an artificial opening that will perform the functions of
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